help w transcript please

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season help w transcript please

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4096251

      What does this mean? I know 570 is hold, but what is the 2/16 date for and why is there a hold?

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      • #4097505

          My transcripts also have no information available. I am just now able to open 2014 account transcript. It shows my address and 0.00 for everything else. I believe they are processing my return now. I have the Feb. 16 date, as well. Filed and accepted 01/27 at 10am.

        • #4097501

            Yesterday” 2014 “didn’t show up under my account transcripts but this AM it is there but I click on it and it shows my address etc but no amounts yet. What does this mean??? I filed and accepted 1/20…

          • #4097498

              Yesterday 2014 didn’t show up under my account transcripts but this AM it is there but I click on it and it shows my address etc but no amounts yet. What does this mean??? I filed and accepted 1/20…

            • #4097432

                Whenever I request the transcript, it gives me a message that what I put in doesn’t match what they have, even though I double checked it against what I filed. So frustrated. I was accepted on 1/20, and it WMR still sits at one bar. UGH.

              • #4096334

                  2/16 should be the Mail date if your DD doesn’t go through. Expect it on 2/4 (from what I understand

                • #4096253

                    I have 150. Says 20150404 cycle w date of 2/16
                    Have 2 766 for healthcare credits date 4/15
                    Have 768 for EIC credit. Date 4/15
                    Have 570 additional acct action pending amount $0 date of 2/16

                  • #4096252

                      Darnit. Am not able to attach a picture

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