
  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Swiper.
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  • #4102801

      Hello everyone I am up stressing soooo badly its driving me crazy this tax year has stressed me out soo badly!!! I have a walmart money card and am a new cardholder I am expecting the deposit today 2/6 hopefully it will be on it soon but i am frieking out right now because of all the reviews I have been reading people have been saying their funds are being put on hold due to verification and security reasons and others are saying they make a couple purchases then they block their card I have rent that is due from past and present the landlord was over here tonight so any insight or anyone having these issues too? I just want some advice and help me to shed some light on this I am really scared right now I will be on the streets and homeless with two kids this is insane and rediculous if I would have known this I wouldnt have gotten it I had the walmart money card a few years ago and used it for like 3 years and never a problem but that was when it was with GE but now it is associated with green dot because they bought them out please someone help me!!!! thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and good luck to everybody on this tax year!!!!!!!!!

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      • #4102813

          im not worried about it loading onto my card I am concerned about these stories and stuff i am reading on the internet about peoples money being put on “hold” they better not put mine on “hold” for more identification verification reasons

        • #4102812

            I had a Walmart card last year it updated 4 am on my ddd so just hold on you will be fine

          • #4102810

              I sure will alot of people are saying that walmart money card usually updates around 3 4 a.m. so well see just hoping what I am sitting here on the computer reading the past few days is not true my money hits then go to withdraw it or use the card and it gets declined because they “hold” “freeze” my account I will be so pissed I am frieking out right now if you google walmartmoney card hold tax refund or green dot horror stories about this all over the internet :( I will seriously be on the streets I will be completely screwed!!!

            • #4102805

                You’ll be fine. It should hit no later than saturday. Post back and let us know.

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