Have a non-fault pa unemployment offset

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Have a non-fault pa unemployment offset

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Michele.
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  • #4536958 Reply

      I was having issues with an offset that was to be a non-fault after an appeal hearing 2 years ago. Somehow it got switched to a fault overpayment and after that l, just last year, pa unemployment sent the offset to the Treasury TOP program to go after my tax refund.

      Before I filed my tax return I got in contact with PA UC and was able to have it switched back to a non-fault.

      I have all non-fault/non-fraud offsets showing. Pa technically only goes after fault and fraud claims.

      I filed my tax return on 2/7 and everything was going smooth until just after midnight early today. I’m getting a message 203 in my WMR saying it could be offset. (My UC is still showing non-fault/non-fraud).

      Can anyone tell me what my best course of action is to get this cleared up before my DDD which is on 2/23 and if it does get offset, my best coarse of action at that point also?

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      • #4537144 Reply

          Actually – if the state determines that they requested it in error – they WILL send the money back to you – no need to fight it. I would reach out the the state unemployment to let them know they offset was still showing at time of DDD – they will let you know how long until they process and send you a check for the amount they “took”.

        • #4537131 Reply

            Did you call the offset line and find out who and how much the offset was for? They also give information on who to contact about the offset.

          • #4537129 Reply

              My suggestion would be to get a tax advocate. They will definitely help you get the remainder of your money if IRS takes it. You can Google tax advocates and look them up for your area. IDK abt this being fixed before your DDD, but once you contact the TA, they call back within 24 hrs. I used a TA when IRS was doing a 60 day review, I explained I needed the money for rent and bills for me and my kids and the TA got it lifted in 2 days, so they work fast. Good luck, I hope it all works out!

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