Has the IRS even seen this yet?

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Has the IRS even seen this yet?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by Kittyprincess.
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  • #4538485 Reply

      So I assuming that the IRS hasn’t even touched my return! I have ZERO (N/A) info on ANY transcript except the Wage and Income section which has VERY little info and says No tax return filed! I was accepted on 1/29 and WMR says the general “Still processing a refund date will be provided when one becomes available. I have no info like an “As of” date or anything like that. I don’t even have 2023 on my account transcript just N/A! No notices or letters, no id verify info, just NOTHING! Can anyone confirm for me if it is likely they haven’t done anything with it yet?

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      • #4538562 Reply

          Filed 2/5
          Accepted 2/6
          Waiting for ACTC

          Mine went to error department need to wait 10 weeks if they solve it. If not they are sending a letter for more information and wait another 8 weeks if I send what why need that’s crazy.

        • #4538545 Reply

            Mine is the same thing. I went from PATH message to still processing refund date will be provided when one becomes available. I called them a couple days ago before I got this message and they said my return was in the errors resolution department. Can’t tell me why and I may get a letter asking for more info or I may not. Could take up to ten weeks.

          • #4538493 Reply

              Hey, I received my refund, but i look occasionally to see if I can help with things I’ve gone through. So, I was accepted on 1/18,my transcripts literally said the same as yours, up until 2/16 when my refund was approved on my transcripts. Before then nothing!As for the verify identity, I had that on WMR & was told wait for a letter, when I went to check to see if the letter was sent on my transcript, it ended up being 846 and no need to verify, so hopefully this will happen to you!🤞

            • #4538490 Reply

                Cont. so when I call they say it’s verify identity and wait for a letter. Yesterday was day 14 and still no letter. They can see it’s been sent but I can’t. My end never stated anything except still processing.

              • #4538489 Reply

                  Do you see anything on your line account (not wmr) about verifying your tax return? All of mine matches what you said about yours with the exception of my id me account saying I need to verify my return.

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