has anyone got accepted with taxact?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season has anyone got accepted with taxact?

  • This topic has 48 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by LadyLeo.
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  • #4092817

      has anyone got accepted with taxact?

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      • #4101505

          Filed 1/20 accepted the same day. I received my refund 1/3. Good Luck!

        • #4101201

            I e-filed with tax act on 1/19… still not approved. In the past years it’s taken 10 business days.

          • #4096200

              Filed on 1/16 accepted on 1/16 no ddd. Simple 1040 1 job 1 child hoh

            • #4095785

                I filed 1/24 federal was accepted 1/24 checked WMR this morning (1/28) and have been approved with a DDD of 1/30, cycle code on my transcript is 20150402

              • #4094358

                  I filed on 1/24, got accepted on 1/24, and just checked WMR, 1 bar. Hoping that I get my refund on 2/14…

                • #4094353

                    does anyone know what would cause a return to sit in pending longer than normal? Mine are usually accepted right away, within an hour of being filed. But this time, it was rejected in the first submission because I mistyped an EIN number causing it to not match the numbers. Resubmitted immediately and it’s been pending for hours.

                  • #4094184

                      I filed with TaxAct this morning (January 26th) and received a text just minutes later stating my federal was accepted by the IRS. It’s too early to check WMR, but I’m hoping for a DDD of maybe February 5th or 6th. Will keep you updated.

                    • #4094048

                        I filed on the 8 with taxact on the 8th, was accepted by the IRS on the 12th, and I am still sitting at one bar……was kind of hoping to get refund this week….but it doesnt look that way…..

                        I do a standard 1040, same thing every year…..

                      • #4093998

                          I filed with TaxACT on 1/14 and was accepted by the IRS later on that same day. I filed separately for my boyfriend and myself, and we both had the same result. Pretty basic filings, nothing special or any extra forms to fill out just the minimum. But of course as many have said so far as of right now I’m sitting at one bar. I guess I should be happy they didn’t take that small glimmer of hope away from me.

                        • #4093991

                            Filed tax act late at night on 1/20 accepted at 1148am on 1/20 by the IRS. Confirmation from both WMR and email from tax act. 1 bar and tax topic 152 since Tuesday night 1/20.

                          • #4093984

                              I filed and was accepted by taxact on 1/22. WMR is saying I’m not even in their system yet. This doesn’t seem right at all. Just keeps telling me to check and renter my info but it’s all correct.

                            • #4093954

                                Filed on 1/20/2015 Accepted 1/20/2015 I got a estimated refund date from tax act of 2/10/2015 I went to the wmr site and it’s not telling me anything but wait at least 24 hours and try back later with a Tt code of 152 have anybody else that files with tax act got a refund ddd yet

                              • #4093646

                                  @Kathy I filed with FreeTaxUSA as well and was taken aback at how simple it was to answer the insurance question (it kind of makes you wonder what all the fuss was about)!

                                • #4093642

                                    Kathy, as long as you had coverage you are fine. They didn’t ask me for more details either.

                                  • #4093615

                                      Kathy – all the IRS cares about is if you had coverage. Since you did make sure you keep documentation in case of an audit. Per the IRS Website – http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Individuals-and-Families/The-Health-Care-Law-Getting-Ready-to-File-Your-Tax-Return

                                    • #4093614

                                        sorry for some reason I couldn’t start a new thread. I have a question about having health care for the whole year of 2014. I do have health care as I am retired air force with tricare, but all it asked me when I was filling out my taxes on free tax if I had insurance for the whole year of 2014 which I did, but did not ask me who I had it with, is that normal? Just wondering why it didn’t ask me who I had it with I guess

                                      • #4093612

                                          Deposits are usually on a Thursday/Friday in my experience – so I’m hoping for next Thursday/Friday the 29th/30th. the 5th/6th seem a bit too far out for earliest filers … I guess we’ll see.

                                        • #4093611

                                            i submitted both state and federal with TaxAct and both were accepted within minutes of being submitted. Neither show approved as of yet. I’m waiting to see approval and can’t wait to see first official direct deposit dates because I’m early enough to be in that first window, I think. Will keep checking and update if I see anything. :)

                                          • #4093610

                                              However! An associate if mine got a postcard from tax slayer saying the first batch will be deposited on 2/2. So I wonder what that is about

                                            • #4093609

                                                I filed with and got received and accepted by taxact on 1/16, at about 2am. Been waiting on an update ever since. One bar and tt152 on Wmr. However, the taxact app is telling me my date is 2/6, but I’m pretty sure that is just a generic “21 days from received” date…

                                              • #4093605

                                                  I filed on the 16th and my federal was accepted on the same day. My state was rejected on the 22nd due to some updates Taxact needed to make with the forms. I re-filed and was accepted about 20 minutes later.

                                                • #4093150

                                                    I filed on the 6th with tag got accepted yesterday at 8 am. Tax topic 152 and 1 bar on wmr site. Tax transcript says n/a 2 ages transcript is the only thing I can look at. Hoping next week ddd starts my car died last week. Depending on other people when u live in the woods in Maine stinks. Anyways good luck everyone. BTW every year I file I have had my refund within 10 days of being accepted.

                                                  • #4093126
                                                    Eva R.

                                                      I filed tonight with TaxAct at 6:15 and it was accepted at 6:16PM. I’m not bothering with checking right now, I’ll give it a week or so…

                                                    • #4093125

                                                        We filed Sunday night via taxact and we were accepted this morning. Here’s to hoping for a positive year with no holdups and quick deposits.

                                                      • #4093122

                                                          I filed my best friends taxes this morning at 9am through Taxact, and she got an email of acceptance at 11:30 am this morning

                                                        • #4093062

                                                            I filed on 1/16 and accepted that same day with a submission Id: 21000120150164. Can someone please explain the meanings behind the numbers

                                                          • #4093035

                                                              I filed with taxact on 19th at about 8pm and was accepted by IRS today at about 9am. I have 1 bar on the refund status check bar.

                                                            • #4093012

                                                                Filed mine on 1/14 accepted on 1/15….wmr has one bar

                                                              • #4092988

                                                                  I was part of the test patch in 2013 and 2012. They just transmit several test batches to the irs to test their system. They don’t actually process or approve any returns. Last year I got accepted very early, I got my refund on the 6th of feb, same time as everyone else that got accepted the first day. After the issues years ago, with them now saying wait 21 days… i don’t expect or count on anything, this way I’m not dissapointed. This is the first year I didn’t get accepted early, but I did get accepted today.i have used tax act since 2007 and i have not had any problems so far.

                                                                • #4092922

                                                                    I filed today at 12:35 am crossing my fjngers..♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧

                                                                  • #4092905
                                                                    ~Sadie LAdy~

                                                                      fiancee got rejected w/ TA on 13th for incorrect ssn for dependent, refiled same day still waiting to be accepted.

                                                                    • #4092904
                                                                      Kristi h

                                                                        Oh, and a case anyone’s wondering, I’m not impatient. I filed with tax act, because I heard that TurboTax was having a glitch, and I wanted to avoid that if I was one of those in the glitch.

                                                                      • #4092903
                                                                        Kristi h

                                                                          I truly hope all of you early acceptance folks to get refunds quicker than they expect. I’m still in pending status with TurboTax so I also filed through TaxACT. It will just be a matter of which return gets there first, then the other one will reject.

                                                                          Fortunately this year, I can wait on my refund, this is the first year that I’ve ever had all the documents ready before tax season started.

                                                                        • #4092898

                                                                            Filed tax act 1/16, accepted 1/16 per email from tax act. Checked WMR as soon as I read email (1/16). return accepted, one orange bar with my refund amount, and tax topic 152. I also reviewed some generic email from tax act about irs test batch and that just because I’m part of test batch my money will still not come until after 1/20 when official processing begins. Hoh, 3 children eic, schedule c. The only time I could not see all the above info of WMR was during their shut down. Btw, still can’t order transcripts, and in the past once I could order transcripts my return was done processing and ddd was given shortly after. Would appreciate any updates from any tax act filers after the official opening tomorrow. Good night all. Maybe we will wake up to ddd’s! Hey a girl can dream….

                                                                          • #4092888

                                                                              I filed on the 17th and I’m still pending…

                                                                            • #4092871

                                                                                Fuled taxact on 1/15…still pending…simple w2 with child credit.

                                                                              • #4092859

                                                                                  By the way I used tax act and I’ve never had this happen on where’s my refund did anyone else get that message?

                                                                                • #4092858

                                                                                    I got accepted on the 13th bars stayed level one up until yesterday the 18th now it keeps saying where’s my refund is unavailable please try again later I got the same message when I called on the phone too.

                                                                                  • #4092855

                                                                                      Filed using Taxact on 1/7, was accepted on 1/13 and lost my bars and amount on WMR on 1/16.

                                                                                    • #4092845

                                                                                        I filed on 1/13. NOTHING yet. Still “Pending” on TaxAct page. Not sure why

                                                                                      • #4092842

                                                                                          I filed on the 1/8 ..tax act says I was accepted 1/13 but I can’t get into wmr or anything else…thinking I wasn’t accepted.

                                                                                        • #4092839

                                                                                            I have, I got accepted on the 16th.

                                                                                          • #4092837

                                                                                              When is Where’s My Refund Available?

                                                                                              En Español

                                                                                              Where’s My Refund? is available almost all of the time. However, our system is not available every Monday, early, from 12:00 am (Midnight) to 3:00 am Eastern Time.

                                                                                              Our Change of Address and Refund Trace features are not available during the following times (Eastern Time):




                                                                                               Sunday 12:00 am (Midnight) to 7:00 pm Monday 12:00 am (Midnight) to 6:00 am Tuesday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Wednesday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Thursday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Friday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Saturday 3:30 am to 6:00 am  and 9:00 pm to Midnight  

                                                                                              Also, occasionally our system may be unavailable on Sundays between 1:00 am and 7:00 am Eastern Time.


                                                                                            • #4092836
                                                                                              Mrs. Hunter

                                                                                                Got accepted on the 14th and bars and amount disappears yesterday and wmr is down today. Patiently waiting!!!

                                                                                              • #4092828

                                                                                                  I filed the 15th, got accepted the 16th, TT gave me a refund date of Feb 6th, but I’m almost positive it will be before then.

                                                                                                • #4092821

                                                                                                    Filed yesterday was accepted 1 hour later by irs

                                                                                                  • #4092820
                                                                                                    Stephanie H.

                                                                                                      I got accepted on Thursday with taxact also. WMR says return still processing. Bars and amounts are gone

                                                                                                    • #4092818

                                                                                                        I was, filed on Thursday accepted on Friday. I filed around 6pm MT on Thursday.

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