H R Block Deposit

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season H R Block Deposit

  • This topic has 14 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by meandmrsmrsjones.
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  • #4096048

      Has anyone received federal thru hr block yet? Have a DDD of 1/30

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      • #4097813

          UPDATE: She got her deposit like I told her she would!!!

        • #4097750

            My friend filed through H&R Block and had her fees taken out through the RAL? Her refund was issued by IRS for payment today and now she is worried that she won’t receive her money into her bank account today because H&R Block sent her an email stating that they are in the process of processing her deposit but not to spend any money because it could take up to 3-5 days to be deposited into her bank account. I told her not to worry because her money would probably still be in her bank account by the end of the day. Any thoughts?????

          • #4097430

              Money is in the bank HRB’ers with DDD of 1/30/15!!!!!!

            • #4096569

                I just spoke with an H&R block emerald card customer service rep who said as soon as the IRS deposits the funds they release it directly to our cards. They do not hold it and release it on a certain day it is made available right away. I was told the same thing last year and it was true I just wanted to make sure so I asked again. She also told me they release funds at all different times throughout the day so it can come at any time. FYI DDD of 1/30 so hoping it’ll be on my card today. Last year my DDD was 2/13 and it was on my card on 2/8 so keep checking your emerald card throughout the day!

              • #4096507

                  It depends on your bank or card. SBBT should release your funds to your institution today, usually within 4 hours of receiving it. Most banks wait until over night to process direct deposits. Some do it in real time. Good luck! I’m hoping to see my deposit today as well

                • #4096503

                    I filed with HRB online on 1/21 in the early afternoon got accepted like an hour later. Still on 1 bar. No DDD yet. Having it deposited directly to my checking with Navy Fed. Hopefully it will have a change soon.

                  • #4096502

                      Mines was sent from SBBT to my Emerald card still no deposit.. do you know I they deposit through out the day or just once?

                    • #4096384

                        Hopefully HRB(with fees) deposit tomorrow…..

                      • #4096284

                          H & R block deposits refunds into your bank from hr block bank if you had fees taken out of your return. If you paid fees up front or had no fees at all then the irs deposits straight to your bank.

                        • #4096271

                            How does H&R block deposit to non emerald bank accounts? Is it like sbbt?

                          • #4096267

                              Did mine 1/17 hopefully we get a deposit today! Patiently waiting

                            • #4096112
                              pat m

                                I used hr block and received a ddd of 1/30 I filed 1/21

                              • #4096110

                                  Nope. Still waiting. Hopefully they show up in the morning. Filed 1/23 DDD 1/30.

                                • #4096094

                                    No i jabbed nothing no ddd no nothing accepted 1/23 when you do yours

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