Got federal refund !

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Amber.
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  • #4097302

      We got the scheduled 1/30 federal refund as the WMR tool said. Just if u want to know we are in Ohio, no fees, nothing unusual. Good luck all!!!

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      • #4097515

          Got my refund deposited onto greendot at 4:18am!

          Filed 1/15
          Accepted 1/20
          Transcripts 1/27
          SBBT 1/29
          Refund in green dot 1/30 4:18am!

          Good luck everyone!

        • #4097462

            Got it!

            Filed with TT 1/15 no fees
            Accepted 1/16
            Approved 1/28
            DD early this morning 1/30 directly from IRS to 5/3 Bank!

          • #4097425

              I got my refund. Filed the 21st, accepted the 21st, went through TT with fees taken out, cycle date 20150402 I bank with usaa, my wmr bars are still at 2 bars so not fully updated but it says today as my dd date :)

            • #4097418

                Wells Fargo. Got mine about 3 hours ago.

              • #4097407

                  Filed 1/19, accepted 1/21 used TT Software, took part on Amazon GC, had DDD of 1/30, cycle 20150402, refund in account at BOA this morning.

                • #4097404

                    Filed with Turbo Tax on 1/20, ACCEPTED the same day. APPROVED 1/28 with a DDD of 1/30. I have a Walmart Money Card (GreenDot) and I’m in Ohio. SBBT released my refund yesterday. I just checked my card and my refund is on it!!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

                  • #4097385


                      WMR is still at two bars for me even though my refund is on my card.

                      Filed Turbo Tax: January 8
                      Accepted: January 12
                      Received Transcripts: January 27
                      SBBT Received Funds: January 28
                      DDD: January 30
                      Cycle: 20150402
                      Received my refund on Green Dot: January 30 @ 12 am PST.

                      I had an offset due to over payment on unemployment and I also live in California!

                    • #4097372

                        I just received my refund. My turn aroundfiling information:

                        Filed on 1/20 with TT
                        Was accepted within 30 mins on 1/20
                        Could pull my transcripts 1/27 cycle 20150402
                        Got my refund tonight with deposits with Chase on 1/30
                        I live in NV so I am PST

                        I didn’t have any health care penalties on my refund or have the fees taken out of my refund for filing, I paid for them when I filed. I knew once the debit card people started getting theirs the other day we would follow, the always get theirs 2-3 days earlier. WMR still shows only 2 bars for me as of 1:39am PST. It changed for me on the 27th and has stayed there like it is a painting not an information tool. I think we all know now that the “updates daily” isn’t happening on WMR past the received bar part, unless the updates are being run over from one end of a very long building to another by a turtle with a broken leg this year. You would think how they don’t want us to call them they would be better with information, one year right? The only thing that was on the target was my cycle code on my transcripts saying when I would get it. I hope everyone gets their refunds back soon as possible and good luck! Money is on the way, information from the IRS not so much.

                      • #4097369

                          I got my federal refund filed Jan 6th accepted Jan 20th. Filed via tax act with fees taken. I’m in maine.

                        • #4097363

                            For those who got their refunds deposited already what does WMR show as your status? I had an offset and it shows I’m supposed to have a deposit for remainder today but nothing shows in my account

                          • #4097352

                              Anyone with 2-2-15 DDD seeing deposits?

                            • #4097350

                                Woke up to my refund, federal and state.

                                Filed 1/24

                              • #4097342

                                  I just received my refund on my green dot card.

                                  Filed: January 8
                                  Accepted: January 12
                                  Received Transcripts: January 27
                                  SBBT Received Funds: January 28
                                  DDD: January 30
                                  Cycle: 20150402

                                  I also live in California!

                                • #4097327

                                    Just received my refund. I have chase bank.

                                  • #4097314


                                    • #4097313

                                        When did you fike may I ask?

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