Getting seriously irritated…..

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  • #4538864

      I have NEVER had this kind of trouble with the IRS before.
      Nothing on my return has changed in YEARS.
      I filed late January like I always do.

      A couple of weeks ago I logged on to check my transcripts, and the ID verify popped up. So I submitted my driver’s license and all the stuff they asked for. Ever since then I have only gotten an error when I try to log into ID verify (error code 2001).
      My under my info Where’s My Refund flips between “Still Processing” to “This information does not match our records” (this has switched twice). Where’s my Refund under my information never suggests that there’s an identity problem.

      My husband logged into his IRS account a few days ago and had to ID Verify. He submitted everything and then had to complete a video chat. He can now log into his Transcript and there’s nothing at all on anything. When he logs into Where’s My Refund it tells him he still needs to Verify.

      This entire process has been a nightmare. I just got a 5071C letter to verify today, but aside from the fact that I already did, and now can’t even get to a page online TO verify, I’m stuck waiting on hold to talk to someone.

      Am I the ONLY person who has had this scenario this year?? Please tell me I’m not alone and what I’m supposed to think about all of this.

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      • #4539120

          I didn’t realize that we had to verify with AND the IRS. I thought
          the whole thing was the same.

          We verified last week and have a deposit date (3/13) today.

        • #4539000

            Katie – that’s exactly what happened. I had no idea that and the IRS verifications were two different things until I called them. This has just been so ridiculous this year.

          • #4538996

              It sounds like you had the ID me verify and to verify your return as well. They are two different things. Unfortunately I’m in the same boat as to verifying for my return. Got the lovely letter Monday and was able to do online since my account has been established for a couple years now.

            • #4538929

                This whole tax season has a been a nightmare for some of us. It seems to happen mostly to those of us that filed in January or really early February (I filed 1/28 accept 1/29).
                No one wants to admit (especially the IRS) that “something” happened on their end with the “NEW IMPROVED” updated software system. I’m not sure who actually is in charge of this million dollar improvement, but the nincompoops that put it in place must never have done any dry run to check it because it sucks.

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