Georgia State Tax Refund

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Georgia State Tax Refund

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  • #4102564

      Has anyone in the state of GA only received there refund yet? A DD? Anything? I’m sitting at:
      Your return has been received and is currently being processed, please allow 30 days to receive your refund. If your refund has not been received in 30 days, please log on to the Georgia Department of Revenue website at complete the Replacement Check Request Form and follow the instructions.
      But when I log into my account it shows the amount of my refund as a negative balance~ but they haven’t sent it.

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      • #4108043


          If on the Georgia Refund website it specifically says

          Please contact the Georgia Department of Revenue at 1- 877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711) option 3 to speak with a Representative

          YOU MUST, YOU MUST, call the number, choose option 3, then choose option 3 again (even if you have not talked to someone before) then either stay in the que or when they ask for a call back number give them your number and they will call back from a Utah number, and then you have to verify a bunch of information and they will then AND ONLY THEN, release your refund. If you do not do this, then I have been told they will eventually release your refund after 3-5 months. They are saying this is because identity theft, but I am convinced it is a stalling tactic.

          YOU HAVE TO CALL!!!

        • #4105333

            Well, MY GA DOR changed!! WOOO HOO!!!! Said I have a DD of 2/11. My account was messed up so I am expecting a paper check. BUT idk… cause when I created an account it was saying 0.00 then it said negative my refund amount in green… I added my account info on there as well, so idk if it will go to my account or be a paper check. CONGRATS TO ALL WHO GOT A GA DD!!!!!!

          • #4105266
            Hucks Momma

              Filed 1/29 got DDD of 2/11 this morning !!!

            • #4105179

                Got DDD 2/11/15.

              • #4105111

                  I called the fraud dept this morning after waitimg 30 minutes ugh. All the agemt did was had me verify my ssn and address, then told mey fumfs had been released and i would receive it 30 days from my filing date of 1/30/15.
                  Now the wmr has wemt back to the generic message.

                • #4105084

                    I called this morning because along with the 30 day processing message, it stated under that to call the 1-877 and press 3. I spoke to an agent this morning who said she doesn’t know why people are being told on the site to call and press option 3. She said my return was processed 2/2/15 but didn’t have a deposit date for me yet. I gave her all my info and she looked it up so I hope she knows what she’s talking about. I told her I tried to create an account yesterday but entered the AGI wrong 2x and maybe that’s why I was told to call!

                  • #4104954


                    • #4104952

                        Got a dad of 02/11. Daughter got a check in the mail today. We both filed on 01/29

                      • #4104931

                          So, I can login and get my refund amount (in green and negative) … but when I put my info in on WMR it says “The information you have entered does not match our records, however you may have mailed your return. Please verify the social security number entered and the refund amount.”

                        • #4104865

                            My return was accepted on 1/30/15 stayed with the generic processing message until today. Now I have to call the fraud dept (same as last year) so at least Im a step closer. Last year I just answered questions verifying my identity and income. Will try to repost tomorrow if I get a deposit date!

                          • #4104705

                              Raining like crazy reminds me of home. I am originally from Seattle. I am so tired of GA DOR. I’m so frustrated on top of the huge argument my hubby and I had last night.
                              Just going back to bed!

                            • #4104614

                                NOPE! UGH!! But my mail ain’t run yet…. and I just locked myself out of my account on GA DOR… lol dummy! BAD DAY.. I am trying soo bad for it not to be a bad one.. lol

                              • #4104613

                                  Any movement from anyone!

                                • #4104275

                                    @faith Mine is still sitting at processing. I sure like to know what is taking so long.

                                  • #4104255

                                      Still the 30 day message here as well. Filed and accepted 1/29, then a day or two later I got the message to call and press option 3 (Fraud department & Special Investigations). Had to fax in copies of our W2s for income verification.

                                    • #4104249

                                        Any changes Georgians

                                      • #4104030

                                          @Waitinggggg Just means you will get it. Who knows when they will send it. LOL!

                                        • #4103994

                                            Mine says a negative balance too.. So does that mean it got sent out? Ughhhhhhh lol I want to know

                                          • #4103906

                                              shit they was gone… yesterday at 4 pm…. lol thanks tho!!! I will too!!

                                            • #4103905

                                                Nah, not her…….lol… I live in Liberty… UGH sure a “wonderful” place.. originally from VA.

                                              • #4103903

                                                  And you know it’s the weekend and GA shuts down on the weekend lol! BUT! If for some small miracle i get a update in the middle of the day like last week I will let you know.

                                                • #4103899

                                                    I’m in Rockdale county (Conyers)

                                                  • #4103893

                                                      @ GeorgiaGirl.. Where about do you live in GA? I have a friend whose signature is GeorgiaGirl LOL

                                                    • #4103890

                                                        Heck yea… thanks for the GOOD NEWS! Shew, *whipping the sweat from my head* I have been searching and searching and couldn’t find anything. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! GOD BLESS YOU for starting my heart back up…lol
                                                        You are right, just wait until I hear my phone or see a check?!?!! THANKS!!

                                                      • #4103863

                                                          @lamoney0409 I went back and checked last years and the negative is a good thing, also last year I was accepted on the 17th and had my money dd on the 24th thats just a 8 day turn around, I noticed last year it also gave me a DD. I don’t know what they are doing tonight. I’m to the point now I just wait for my phone to go off to notify me if money is in my account. It’s not a whole lot of money, but every little bit helps.

                                                        • #4103853

                                                            Nope.. still have a negative balance on my return!?!?! Idk if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. UGH very stressed out. WMR on GA DOR… now says it’s being processed and give 30 days for refund to be processed!!

                                                          • #4103849

                                                              Any movement on your GA Tax refund yet? Im still at processing!

                                                            • #4103489
                                                              • #4103439

                                                                  I only get the 30 Days message thing and never got an actual direct deposit date, but like I said I got it 3 days after I got the 30 days message.

                                                                • #4103179

                                                                    Girl, you ain’t liein lol. I swear I got my refund in like 5 days last year, but have changed a lot of banking info over the year, so I can’t find the exact date. ERR… but Id love my lil $400 from GA.. it would be ever so kind of them lol!! I hope the Negative balance, is a good sign!!

                                                                  • #4103123

                                                                      @lamoney409 Mine says it as well. So am guess GA doesn’t give you DDD. I ready somewhere they are shooting for a 7 day turn over. If thats the case then maybe I will get it soon. Who knows with GA LOL!

                                                                    • #4103026

                                                                        That’s what it says… but on my account that I created it says…. -$452.. which I have heard that means it’s coming….

                                                                        Your return has been received and is currently being processed, please allow 30 days to receive your refund. If your refund has not been received in 30 days, please log on to the Georgia Department of Revenue website at complete the Replacement Check Request Form and follow the instructions.

                                                                      • #4103024

                                                                          no… no DDD….. just says give 30 days.. I am going to copy what it says…. hold on….

                                                                        • #4103020

                                                                            mine says that on 1/29 and I got my refund on 2/3.

                                                                          • #4102937

                                                                              @lamoney409 Good! I still don’t have a DD. Did you get one yet?

                                                                            • #4102902

                                                                                MY GA refund changed to a negative balance too!! WOO HOO

                                                                              • #4102581

                                                                                  that means I hear that you are getting your refund. Mine has a $0.00 amount and I have no clue what that means. I have to call but I dnt ever get anyone.

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