GA State Refund

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season GA State Refund

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4100800

      Has anyone received any processing/DD info from GA State? Mine was accepted the 31st, but still saying nothing matched in the system

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      • #4108040


          If on the Georgia Refund website it specifically says

          Please contact the Georgia Department of Revenue at 1- 877-GADOR11 (1-877-423-6711) option 3 to speak with a Representative

          YOU MUST, YOU MUST, call the number, choose option 3, then choose option 3 again (even if you have not talked to someone before) then either stay in the que or when they ask for a call back number give them your number and they will call back from a Utah number, and then you have to verify a bunch of information and they will then AND ONLY THEN, release your refund. If you do not do this, then I have been told they will eventually release your refund after 3-5 months. They are saying this is because identity theft, but I am convinced it is a stalling tactic.

          YOU HAVE TO CALL!!!

        • #4101499

            @rebecca Mine changed around 8pm last night to processing, so hopefully it will go out soon. I read somewhere it is just showing up in accounts without a dept date. I will take that to.

          • #4101422

              I actually show my GA refund pending in my bank acct this morning. I filed/was accepted on 1/30. Hope this helps!

            • #4101392

                @hs2012 how do you see the account balance? Or where?

              • #4101220

                  Mine was accepted 1/31 and my account balance at GODR website shows refund amount as a negative account balance, but no DDD yet when I click WMR.

                • #4100883

                    @Faith H We have never had that issue. Thanks Goodness!

                  • #4100819
                    Faith H

                      We got a message to call the Investigations/Fraud department (again….last year same issue) and have to fax in our W2s. It will delay our refund.

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