For the 2/3 approved filers

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season For the 2/3 approved filers

  • This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by cali girl.
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  • #4102807

      Anyone that files on this date lets let each other know when we have ddd or wmr bar change

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      • #4104054
        cali girl

          Filed 2/3 got accepted around 5pm just morning now have a DDD date of 2/11 claimed my daughter, EIC, and AOC education credit.

        • #4104036

            I filed 2/2 with acceptance! Checked with husbands info no bars message saying. Processing refund sometime! What’s this mean? Simple tax return everything basically same as last year. Checked with mine have bars still no DDD

          • #4103987

              Filed /accepted 2/1 , 1 bar from 2/3 until last night and now I have no bars and a refund still processing note. This could be a good thing or a bad thing

            • #4103855

                Filed on 2/1, accepted immediately. 1 bar all week even up until last night (Friday night), however this morning it is now 2 bars and a refund date of feb. 11!!!! Good luck to you all

              • #4103799

                  Yea i woke up to approve and dd 2/11 .

                • #4103797

                    Filed and accepted on 2/3, just checked now and refund has been approved! I have now 2 bars and a dd date of 2/11!!!
                    Just in time for my son’s birthday, I can’t wait!!

                  • #4103697

                      @bernadette0013 Yes she claims her son

                    • #4103696

                        File 2/3 accepted 2/3 still have 1 bar on wmr, offset line said offset paid with Ddd 2/11

                      • #4103695

                          Filed 2/3 checked trans and it updates at 10:30 pm with 846 refund issued guessing wmr will update thru the nite cycle code 20150505

                        • #4103690

                            Well i got updated today with a 000’s tranny…..really hoping its not a resequence like last year. I would of filed earlier but had to wait on W-2.

                          • #4103688

                              I filed about midnight 2/2, was accepted just past midnight 2/3. I was able to see all transcripts yesterday morning and this morning I have a DD of 2/10 on wmr. I filed HOH, have education credits, itemized deductions thru TT and did take the amazon GC deal for a portion of refund… I wonder when I will see that, hmmm

                            • #4103669

                                i got accepted on 2/3 and have one bar,
                                my missouri tax was accepted and approved in the same day
                                my illinois tax is still pending

                              • #4103382

                                  Does she have any one else to clam on her taxes or just her

                                • #4103295

                                    I did my oldest daughters taxes on the 3rd through turbo tax and she has a direct deposit date as of this morning for the 10th

                                  • #4103109

                                      I will keep yall posted if my bar or tax code changes

                                    • #4102879

                                        Filed 2/3, would have done it earlier but was waiting on a w-2. Anyway, filed 2/3 thru TaxAct and got accepted instantly. I have 1 bar as of today, I don’t bother with transcripts, I’ve never had a problem before. I am hoping will have a deposit by next weekend. :)

                                      • #4102850

                                          Please update people lol I’m waiting patiently but I filed and got accepted 2/3 instantly but I can’t gain access to transcript and haven’t gained any bars

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