Filed and accepted on 1/16. No movement, no updates, no progress. WMR not down??

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Filed and accepted on 1/16. No movement, no updates, no progress. WMR not down??

  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4097351

      WHAT GIVES? My daughter will be 4 months old tomorrow. I NEED my money. I have a new baby that needs things and I’m not getting ANY progress here. This is so frustrating. I’m so upset, I can barely contain it. My nerves are through the roof.

      I’ve called the IRS twice. The first gentleman was nice and helpful. He told me my return looked perfect, no mistakes, but couldn’t give any specific info. He could only say that they just aren’t done with it.

      The second lady was kinda snooty and said I wasn’t far along enough to even look at my account. That or she just didn’t want to. I guess the latter. But why would they tell me two entirely different things? :(

      What gives? I’m so upset and don’t know what to do anymore. Why am I not getting any progress???

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      • #4097681

          file 1/8 got accepted 1/12 and still no updates or transcripts this is the first year i filed early im so lost right now

        • #4097392

            Apparently with the transcript codes, the first two digit numbers are sorted by daily processing and weekly processing. Meaning depending on the number, it is processed either on any day of the week, or only once a week.

            However, this could be wrong, but that is MY understanding if it. Im pretty sure that’s what it means, though.

          • #4097389

              No updates for me either, accepted on the 20th. What is a weekly?

            • #4097380

                How do you determine if you’re a weekly or not?

              • #4097375

                  WMR was down when I woke up at 230 CST for work. Unfortunately when it came back up around 3, I was still penniless. Last year I settled an old tax debt and was already on a weekly cycle; took 16 days for them to sort through it all and take what I owed. This year I filed early and was accepted 1/20. If I don’t see something by next Friday, I’ll start to sweat.

                • #4097367

                    I get it… just do what you can to not let it get to you. I filed the 14th, was also accepted the 16th, and am sitting in the exact same boat still. They seem to just process whichever returns they feel like and piss on the rest as they skip right over them.

                  • #4097364

                      I find it really odd though that wmr didn’t even go down/update for me tonight. It at least tells me its unavailable every night, but butt tonight. I thought that was REALLY strange

                    • #4097354

                        I filed and accepted on the 20th and when I just checked mines say still processing also. I am so heated. I have just about given out on checking WMR.

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