Filed 1/30/13…IRS received 1/31/13…Now stuck on waiting

Home Forums Archives Date Filed, Accepted and DD Dates Accepted Date (WMR Step 1) Filed 1/30/13…IRS received 1/31/13…Now stuck on waiting

  • This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #5204

      Is there any one else who filed locally on 1/30/13…IRS received it 1/31/13…& Now stuck on waiting… I am. I didnt file with H&R block or TT. I filed efile with a local place that gave me a number to call and check it. I call the number they gave me and they said it has been accepted allow 21 days to receive it, but i look on IRS WMR and it still says received on the first bar :( Share your comments if you have had the same scenario. Thanks!

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      • #5627

          Is there anyone else out there who was accepted tbe 30th and still hasn’t received anything? I’m stuck on “processing”. When doing a search this morning looking for ANY insight as to why, before I call the IRS and deal with thier incompetence, I found this refund chart. Anyone have some insight into this?

        • #5485

            I filed online using HR free edition, filed on 01/30/13, accepted on 01/31/13, on WMR still says processing. I have not been able to order a transcript.

          • #5475

              yeah i accepted on the the 31 i am stuck on waiting and @robin i with you i get the exact thing as you so maybe it true i seen where someone post they doing a update at 11 a.m so we i just want a dd make me feel better and also i from virginia and i check the status on that and it say been processed anyone know any thing about that

            • #5362

                Yea I am pretty sure its the same message… hopefully tomorrow somebody gets an update. Since your on the same boat , if you get an update…Post it here tomorrow. At least so we can all compare notes and be in tune with the movements. :)

              • #5356

                  Aren’t those two answers your getting saying basically the same thing? IRS has it, they’re processing it. Should get it within 21 days. They are two different sites, they aren’t going to say the EXACT same thing.

                  But, I’m with you all. Mine return was accepted on 1/31 still no DD date. WMR says processing.

                • #5347

                    For example:

                    For example people… I got 2 different messages

                    TAXINFONET.COM tells me

                    Your return has been accepted by the IRS. Your refund will be ready in less than 21 days from the day you filed. Please call back at this number later to see if your refund has been issued. This message will repeat until your refund has been processed.

                    The IRS Where’s My Refund (WMR) tells me…

                    We have received your tax return and it is being processed.
                    You should get your refund within 21 days from the date we received your tax return.

                    Please check here or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go, to check on your refund status.


                    So not sure which one is telling me the truth. lol!

                  • #5340

                      @ Robin… Same here…. I filed with a local filer, they dont use TT, HH&B, or JH… They use something called When I check the status on the site they gave me, It says I have been accepted, please allow 21 days for the money to be deposited, But I go to WMR and it says received and we are still processing. So I am confused too…which is the most accurate answer? uhg,,, Help anyone… ANYBODY got any advice for my self and ROBIN???

                    • #5274

                        I also filed on 30 accepted on 31 but really strange when I check IRS app for iPhone says accepted and sent for dd with no reference number and says null at the bottom don’t know wth that means I received a text from hr block saying congrats IRS accepted your return but what really confuses me is wmr says processing? So I called the IRS to get a straight answer and the lady I talked to said it sounds like it was accepted and they r just waiting on a date to be posted to dd so I’m lost too right now and they’re website was down for most of the night

                      • #5230

                          To be honest I dont know anything about the transcript thing. I didn’t request one because i didn’t see how that meant anything or would help. Any other year I never had to do it you know. and I seen some websites people say that worked, some said it doesn’t. so Not sure. I just hope we get some type of POSITIVE update soon! lol. Anybody every heard of TAXINFONET?

                        • #5212

                            i filled on the 30th i got accepted on the 31st i recieved my acknowlement email on the 1st saying i was accepted wmr the whole time has been telling me that i am in proccessing however i was able to order my 2012 transcripts and we are filing for 2012 taxes right? i was able to order my 2012 refund transcripts and account transcripts i heard that that means that the taxes are done processing

                          • #5206

                              Mine was filed & received on 1/31/13. wmr shows processing. I have no dd date.

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