Filed 1/29 but NOT weekly cycle

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Filed 1/29 but NOT weekly cycle

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Steven.
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  • #4102619

      I filed 1/29 and was accepted immediately. I still have N/A on all of my transcripts. Except for the wages one which shows no record of return.

      None of my previous years’ cycles ended in 05, which is scary because that means I can’t blame that as the reason I haven’t seen any movement.

      Should I be concerned?

      How would I find out if I was being reviewed or audited? I’ve been checking the mail vigilantly and haven’t received any notices.

      While I am so happy for them, it’s frustrating that people that filed much later already have DDD’s. :/

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      • #4102638


        • #4102621

            Also, I’ve seen lots of people say that they have “all zeros” on their account transcript and that that usually happens a week before it switches. Does that mean Im still at least a week out since I don’t have an account transcript available at all?

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