Filed 1/20…waiting on an update

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Filed 1/20…waiting on an update

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Tallahassee.
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  • #4102405

      Ok where do I start?? This is the 3rd year in a row where my tax return has been caught in some limbo. I filed 1/20, was accepted 1/21. I had 1 wmr bar until last Sunday it disappeared. However I’ve tried to order my transcripts and they’re not available. I’ve called the IRS and they tell me the same thing “wait 21 days”. Even though I can hear the doubt in their voice. More than likely I’ll be on the phone with the IRS looking for some explanation after my 21 day waiting period. Anyway I do have an identity theft indicator on my tax account. Not sure why. I’ve been filing the same return for 5 years, no address or job change. The dependent I carry is my son. I thought by me owing Child support and student loans that would help expedite the identity theft issues. Every rep I’ve spoken to tells me that the offsets would only delay my refund a day or 2 and that I would recieve the rest promptly. Anyone knows what’s going on?? I don’t if its that I’m on a weekly cycle (I can’t access my tax transcripts) or maybe re sequenced. Anyone with insight??

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      • #4102425

          How cool is that? 2 ppl from Tally with the same issue lol. I’ve been reading where some people are getting their prior year transcript faxed over to them to see what cycle code they have. I just did it after being on hold for an hour. Supposedly your cycle code can give you some insight as to when you can expect it. I’m an 05’er.

        • #4102420

            i also filed on the 20th but I call irs 3 times and was told I was re-sequenced also so now they are telling me that my process started on the 30th I guess after that issue started about I was recycled and had to be put back in. so far no letters but last I was accepted in 4 days than I got topic 1121 and was under review and after all that I didn’t get my money until the end of july. I hope this aint the case again. so far when I did call they said everything looked normal I can access my account through mail, but no return. and when I try to get info online I get locked out. when I first filed I could get info but it was in encryption. so after a week I was locked out. this is crazy to me I really don’t understand I do have topic 152 but does that really mean anything anymore? I wish I had answers because I am a single mother and every dollar is need I have two kids that are growing by the day. so if anyone know what is going on please inform me also I too live in Tallahassee.

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