Filed 01/19, Accepted 01/21. No updates.

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Filed 01/19, Accepted 01/21. No updates.

  • This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Alwaysfilewrongdate.
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  • #4095894

      I’m beginning to get very frustrated. I filed my taxes with H&R Block e-file on the night of 01/19/2015. My taxes were accepted the morning on 01/21/2015. It has been 7 days since my return was accepted and I am still at square one. I can login on the IRS website to attempt to download my transcripts, but they’re all N/A with the exception of 1 (Wage Transcript) that is blank aside from my name, SSN, etc.

      So, accepted on 01/21. No Transcripts available. No DDD. No penalties. Nothing.

      Someone posted something regarding the ability to make an educated guess when you’re going to get a DDD with batch codes. The last two years of my batch codes end with an ’03’ which would indicate a Tuesday. My batch code from three years ago ends with an ’05’ which would indicated a Thursday. Not sure what to think. I’m guessing there is really no rhyme or reason as to who get their refund when (or when they get processed). Would sure like to see a DDD.

      Anyone else in the same boat? What are you thoughts?

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      • #4097172

          Last year was in the batch of early filers who we behind. Waited till the 21st this year and BAM.. Nada! were not even in need and it’s like WTH! Good thing for state taxes.

        • #4097169

            With the people that are saying the codes make a difference, it will all tell tomorrow morning, if I understand correctly. Supposedly (according to them), tonight is the deadline for any returns filed from Jan 1 to Jan 21. Guess we will see how accurate their method is. Hopefully very so we can all move on.

          • #4097165

              Filed 1-12 accepted 1-14 through TT one bar on wmr n / a on transcripts. .. I did notice that the past three years I received my refund on Mondays but I’m not sure about the cycle code numbers since there all different 2014: 0603 2013: 0503 2012: 0505?? I just wish they would update something!!

            • #4097148
              Mish mosh

                I don’t think it’s a difference in companies (hr block, tt, etc). I don’t know about hr, but tt sent me an email saying fed was accepted. If companies say it’s accepted or transmitted, and it really wasn’t, I’m sure they’d be out of business & being sued.

                I think it’s a difference of ez filers vs 1040 etc. My daughter filed the same time I did, both of us with TT. Her dd is tomorrow, mine has nothing. She had one job all year, I had 2. She has no dependents, I have 2. I had 401k & Roth taken out of my salary, she had none.

                I’m 98% sure WMR didn’t update for me last year until after I got my refund. I did check transcripts last year but don’t remember if I saw them before or after my refund.

                Last year I was accepted on 1/30 & received my refund on 2/12. So I’m thinking I’ll have it by next friday latest, all things being equal.

              • #4097090

                  I filed on the 21st, accepted on the 21st through TT and I am still at one bar with no transcripts

                • #4097073

                    I filed with H&R Block free file and I filed 1/16 was accepted 1/21 and have DDD of 1/30. I don’t think it’s the company, I just don’t think there is any rhyme or reason as to who they process first. I think it is just the luck of the draw really but idk. :)

                  • #4096694

                      I filed on 1/16 early in the morning through hr block. Accepted 21st, still no ddd. I really think hr block must be the reason as most of my employees did turbo tax and did theirs after me. Two of three already have ddd. No more hr block business from me.

                    • #4096635

                        Same here, filled 1/15 accepted on the 21st and at one bar. Filled through hrblock… On hold with IRS for 35 mins now.. Filled my friends through tt after mine gets got accepted day before mine and she got her refund today.. Wth hrblock…I can access my online stuff but no transcripts just the wage stuff for 2014.. My 13 has a star by it and I didn’t file last year, it says it’s a verification of not filling last year. Could that mean a hold up?

                      • #4096603

                          Filed h&r block in office on 1/21. Accepted 1/22. Got a DDD yesterday afternoon for 1/30. Good luck!

                        • #4096402

                            Same here. Accepted 1/21, filled through hr block… No updates

                          • #4096396

                              My status is still the same as well. No progress on Wheres my Refund? and cannot see any transcripts. Was really hoping to wake up this morning to good news.

                              I guess it’s abother 24 hour wait to see if it changes.

                            • #4096389
                              Rachael Smith

                                Me also I check my status an it still say processing and my taxes was accepted on the 21 what’s really going on h&r block

                              • #4096089

                                  Me also mines was accepted on the 21-and still on the first thing I want my money I thank it is h&r :-(

                                • #4095978

                                    Same here! So frustrating people with later accepted dates already have ddd. I’m thinking it’s because I used HRB . Transcripts say n/a and my codes from past two years are both different.

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