Filed 01/31/2023 HRB

Home Forums General Discussion 2023 Tax Season Filed 01/31/2023 HRB

  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Noelle.
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  • #4532443

      I filed and was accepted on 01/31/2023 through hrb, received a small advance. No EITC but do get child tax credit and adoption credit. I also have a small offset. Anyways, I never received path message, never got the normal message you get for offset, it just keeps saying Still being processed at 1 bar. Uggh this is frustrating, transcripts still say NA, I also did the ID me to log in so i don’t think I should have to ID verify? I don’t understand what the hold up is???

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      • #4532580

          Talked to someone, they said they did not start processing my refund until 02/18 so I have to wait 21 days from that date, then she said hold on she now sees 2 different dates, got place on a “brief 5-7 minute hold” 4 times, Then she comes back and tell me that there was an issue, she can’t see what it is but I need to wait until 04/12 :(

        • #4532466

            I think you just have to keep pushing through with the options at that point to get to a person….once you get to them they ask if it is individual or business. It worked like a charm for me.

          • #4532463

              Yea they said it was on the 8959 Additional Medicare Tax form. I looked at it and only could see possible minor rounding issues that had no bearing on the ultimate outcome of the form…..if thats it it is incredibly nitpicky.

            • #4532459
              • #4532458

                  I used this thread a little down the page:


                  I used the exact phone number listed there and all the options that person suggested and was able to get to a person.

                • #4532502
                  Jennifer Starr

                    @Noelle yes, it will take you to business taxes, just go through the 1,3,2,7,1,1 and you will get a live agent that will transfer you. Ignore it being business taxes.

                  • #4532471

                      Filed and accepted 1/25 TT no credits and still processing but no letters and don’t owe

                    • #4532465

                        Didn’t work, no more spiel about changing phone systems and it took me to business taxes 😕

                      • #4532461

                          By 4/1….wow I’m about to call when I get off work to make sure I’m not under review or anything 😐

                        • #4532460

                            I used that thread (how I got a human in less than 10 minutes) a little down the page. I used the number and options suggested in that thread and got right through.

                          • #4532457

                              What is a good phone number to call? I can never get through to anyone

                            • #4532448

                                I was accepted on 1/28 through Turbo Tax and was in the same boat as you with no offset. I had one bar on WMR saying still processing and all NA in transcript.

                                I called IRS and the first person said that she couldn’t even see that I filed a return so she escalated and gave me to another agent with a transfer PIN. This agent allegedly could see my return and said that is was delayed due to a minor correction being made. Said to call back then if WMR doesn’t update by 4/1.

                              • #4532445

                                  It’s been longer than 21 days for you .you need to give the irs a call

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