File dates,state, and status

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season File dates,state, and status

  • This topic has 17 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by jarkrt.
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  • #4092703

      I filed 12/29 in Fl and wmr still says return received. When will this update change?

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      • #4093021

          Filed with TaxSlayer on the 20th at 12:05 am. Return accepted on the 20th.

        • #4092933

            I did mine on the 11th and was accepted on the 12th now I have one orange line

          • #4092887

              Filed on the 8 accepted on the 12th
              Filed with turbo tax, in the early batch one bar

              The countdown begins(/•ิ_•ิ)/

            • #4092873

                I filed on the 7th with FreeTaxUSA, accepted the 13th, only one bar. Still waiting and hoping I have it soon. Don’t know if I’m in the test batch or not?

              • #4092783

                  So if you were accepted early, does that mean you will get it early? Or do you have to wait till the first date of the refund schedule saying the 6th of February? I see alot of people saying stuff about a test batch, how true is that & how do you know if you were in the test batch? When I go to WMR my bar is on received & processing and it says that it can take up to 21 days. I guess I’m confused!

                • #4092776

                    Let me update that. In the 5 minutes it took to get a cup of coffee and post my first message – I got an email saying the refile was accepted. Wow.

                  • #4092775

                      I filed mine with TaxAct this morning at 9:30 and got an email at 12:30 letting me know the IRS had rejected it because of a mistake with verification information to efile. I refiled a few minutes ago so I guess I’m back in the regular line.

                      Interesting though as the information that was rejected was autofilled by TaxAct. I had to change it and refile.

                    • #4092766

                        File TT on 1/13 (free fed free state OH) just got accepeted email…

                        TT Tracking STATUS SAYS….

                        Jan 17 – Feb 6

                        Your federal return was accepted January 16 in the refund amount of $(2847). That makes you one step closer to getting your refund!

                        9 times out of 10, the IRS issues refunds in less than 21 days from when a return gets filed. Paper check refunds may take several weeks to receive by mail

                      • #4092765

                          Hi again. So I just got an email from tax act saying my return was accepted by the IRS. Checked WMR and one orange bar, tax topic 152. Started to get excited that things were going smoothly and quicker than expected until I opened my second email from TA. It says my refund was transmitted early and accepted early by the IRS, as part of a test batch. However I will not get my refund early, and should expect my 21 days to start on Jan. 20. If I remember correctly those who were in the test batch last year got sort of screwed because they were ran through the computer, processed to make sure the systems were running properly and then when tax season “officially” opened they were re-processed as if they had just filed and ended up getting refund skater than those not accepted for the test batch. I though the testing would be over since IRS Free File opened today. Hope I didn’t make a mistake. Now starts the waiting and the worrying begins. Not complaining though,it’s kinda become a tradition for me. And I’m glad to see tax topic 152, think that means the initial process found no errors, and return will be here soon. I think. Yea! It’s taxmas 2015. Anyone else get accepted today? Any one use tax act before?

                        • #4092761

                            My taxes were accepted on the 12th, wmr had one bar for 2 days. Now its stating; return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.

                          • #4092755

                              Mine were accepted on the 12th. At first I had the first bar and it said being processed. Now when I log in or call it says your return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. There are no bars on WMR

                            • #4092754

                                I Filed through tax act on the 13th at 9 am and 10 minutes later I was accepted in the test batch.

                              • #4092743

                                  I just filed with tax act about an hour ago, and as mu usual routine, I immediately start checking threads on here. So now the anxiety begins. I’m just hoping for 21 days from now. Has anyone ekes filed 1/16 and gotten accepted?

                                • #4092737

                                    I efiled with Tax Act on 1/13/15 Still shows “Pending” Is Tax Act not in the “test batch” this year??

                                  • #4092727

                                      I filed with a tax filing company near me. I also filed with them last year. I ended up being in the test batch and received a dd of 2/7! It was about 1 month from the time I filed.

                                    • #4092705

                                        I filed 1/14 in NYC with TT and it still says pending.

                                      • #4092704

                                          Some people have filed later and gotten accepted already. Who did you file with?

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