Everyone updated but I didn't

Home Forums General Discussion 2019 Tax Season Everyone updated but I didn't

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  • #4274825

      I’m happy for everyone I am…. But damn I filed 1/16 and was accepted 1/18 I had to look back at h&r block I thought I was accepted the 22nd but nope sooner I hope when I check in the am I will join the rest of you

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      • #4276660

          Filed on 2/11 through TurboTax.
          Had weird notification regarding PATH and was told to check back later.
          Checked today, scheduled to receive refund on 22nd (federal) and 19th (state).
          Feels weird to get refund so fast.

        • #4276615

            I’m praying it’s just a site error and that I’ll get my funds soon. I’m calling Tuesday as that will be 19th aka 22 days. TurboTax says 18th but I know that’s just their generic deadline

          • #4276610

              Filed 1/31 accepted same day

              Online transcripts say N/A except for wages when I open the 2018 year it says no record of return filed

              152 message and 1 bar on WMR

              Thursday will be 21 days

            • #4276560

                I’m just going to hope that between the Feb 27-4 of March my money is here. That’s what their website says (IRS) . I’m so pissed right now but I can’t deal with the stress anymore.

              • #4276551

                  Luckily mine updated to ddd this morning for 2/22 because i was losing my fukin mind too.
                  Those are some real vindictive people over there at the irs or just the ones who wanted to start trouble were the only ones who showed up for work when the shutdown was over..
                  Either way…they were too busy preparing there own taxes and all of their cousins to do ours. Luckily sometimes the computer handles them instead .

                  I know it sucks that you guys are still in the dark. I was stuck on no bars and tt152 for 2 weeks and then i got the ddd this morning.
                  i was ready to shank someone, for real.
                  But i think You guys will probably not get an update until after you actually get the deposit like i did last 2 years with eic and actc, and youll wake up with a deposit on the 22nd like the rest of us early filers anyway.
                  WMR updated 5 days after i got the deposit last year, 4 days the previous year,and i got it in on the first deposit batch date for PATHers both years. There system is designed to not inform us of shit . just random bs sometimes it seems.
                  Id Call them as soon as they open and find out if nothing changes and fuck being nice about it.
                  Good luck guys its almost over

                • #4276550

                    Sorry I see that you have called. Irs is good about sending letters, you would have received one by now. Call again, maybe you will get a better rep.

                  • #4276548

                      I guess you need to call. It’s past 21 days since irs began accepting returns so they can take your call. I don’t know if it’s trouble. It could be ID verify since your not getting any information.. just be prepared to stay on hold for a long time. That’s the only way your going to find out if something is wrong. Hope you get good news soon

                    • #4276507

                        I remember way back at the start people said the cut off to get the first batch of ddd was the 21st. If you search “test batch cut off” on here you should find the thread.

                      • #4276432

                          Nope I’m still processing , I’ll never file early ever again , files 1/24 and still sitting at still processing

                        • #4276417

                            I didn’t update. Still the same 9001 code. I was accepted January 22.

                          • #4276407

                              First year ever filing early I normally file late March or late February, this year I decided to do it early, and look at this BS processing a return from 1/24, wow. I filed my sisters taxes on 2/10 she got approved yesterday morning.

                            • #4276399

                                @ash that’s been my message for as long as I’ve been checking it for about 2 weeks now. IRS had no info when I called and said to call after 21 days

                              • #4276330

                                  @ jelly Robinson
                                  Me too! No letters, no codes. I really think irs coming soon. I think the ones who really did get DDD’S were lucky and we will get our updates this week Saturday the latest. I think…the IRS notifies pretty quickly if there is a problem.

                                • #4276323

                                    That’s been your message since you were accepted

                                  • #4276321

                                      What was the message before that

                                    • #4276316

                                        And I filed and accepted 28th of Jan as single no credit claims

                                      • #4276312

                                          Guys do you think I’m in trouble? No update and I seem to be one of the few that are still getting the “We cannot provide any information wait 21 days for your refund TT152 blah blah” that’s as of 6:30am this morning PST

                                        • #4276308
                                          Jelly Robinson

                                            The wait is killing me lol. I have no codes and no letters. They need to stop playing with everyone. IRS is quick to take your money but take forever to give your money.

                                          • #4276303

                                              I filed and was accepted on 1/30
                                              Got a DDD of 2/22 with all the credits and
                                              I’m from Louisiana as well

                                            • #4276298

                                                I hope everyone is able TO RELAX. I would never call anyone on here a liar and I’m sure many DID get DDD’S but remember your dealing with the Internet and people love to make others miserable, so maybe some are not being honest about ” I GOT MY DDD DATE”. It’s going to come soon, relax and take what most people say on here with a grain of salt. Just check to make sure you don’t have any bad tax topics or codes and if you do handle them. Good news is coming we just have to wait a little bit longer. Good luck everyone.

                                              • #4276293

                                                  I filed 1/12 – accepted 1/24.
                                                  Cycle 20190502 – Processing date 2/18
                                                  WMR updated overnight with DDD of 2/22.
                                                  (Also in Louisiana)

                                                • #4276284

                                                    Who told you about the “still being processed ” and “being processed “

                                                  • #4276275

                                                      I’m in Louisiana

                                                    • #4276260
                                                      Jelly Robinson

                                                        Not quite understanding how late filers are receiving DDs before early filers. Makes no sense. I’m pretty disgusted. Congrats to those with DDs. Where is everyone located that has received their DDs? Let us know.

                                                      • #4276257

                                                          I was told long as u have “being processed “ u pretty much approved ur just waiting on a DDD now if u see “still being processed “ then u might have something to worry abt….my friend filed b4 me he was accepted to path b4 me but he still seeing “being processed “ and I have a DDD of 2/22…..so hopefully night you all will see a change I got my 🤞🏽for yall

                                                        • #4276247
                                                          Jelly Robinson

                                                            It doesn’t seem like too many people are recieving updates in EST. It’s pretty frustrating!!

                                                          • #4276248

                                                              Filed and accepted 1/25 as of 11:51am no update 😞 this is a bunch of bs just cause what? Most of us filled early? They can’t seriously make us wait till next week but who knows they can do what ever they want with ARE MONEY

                                                            • #4276240

                                                                Filed the 23rd, went from path message to the being processed message yesterday and still just sitting there. I don’t understand why some people who file later get DDD sooner. Makes no sense. and I can’t check transcripts so all I have is WMR to check

                                                              • #4276210
                                                                Army mama

                                                                  Same ! Still processing. No amount but have tt152

                                                                  Filed 1/31

                                                                  Trans say N/A

                                                                • #4275608
                                                                  Just Waiting

                                                                    I’m in Ga, filed 2/2 accepted within 30 mins with turbo tax. Never saw path. Updated 2/16 to “We have recieved your tax return and it is being processed.” Have all the credits, no bars and amount shows. No update so far. Loosing hope.

                                                                  • #4275597

                                                                      I didn’t update either. I filled & accepted 1/30. I just have the processing message and no amount, do you guys still show your refund amount?

                                                                    • #4275593

                                                                        Filed 1/22 no movement – not good

                                                                      • #4275349

                                                                          I filed 2/7 and nothing…no type of movement whatsoever smfh

                                                                        • #4275326

                                                                            Filed 2/8
                                                                            Accepted 2/9
                                                                            Path 2/14
                                                                            2/15 changed to still processing your return
                                                                            Its 11:55 in Texas and just wmr and got ddd of 2/22 and if not recieved by 2/27 to contact my bank. Woot woot! 🎉

                                                                          • #4275320

                                                                              Everyone check back in the am and give me a update and to whoever said no early filing I completely agree next year it’s Feb 2 or later

                                                                            • #4274943

                                                                                I’m another early filer with no update yet! Filed on 1/25 accepted same day. I can order transcripts but no WMR update or code on transcripts update.

                                                                              • #4274940

                                                                                  It did right around 10:30 EST with a DDD of 2/22

                                                                                • #4274937

                                                                                    Everyone’s page was changing last night and mine still hadn’t at 1a MST. It was there this morning when I woke up though! Mine has not updated to two bars yet but I’m hoping it is the same as last night.

                                                                                  • #4274935

                                                                                      Same as everyone. Filed early 1/21 accepted 1/22 and all I get is processing. Every year I got returns as a PATHER in Feb until last year no DDD until April so I’m not too optimistic this year. Nothing has changed for me same thing every year. I don’t bother with transcript requests either.

                                                                                    • #4274927
                                                                                      Lastella in Cali

                                                                                        I also did not get a DD! I filed 2/15 . I went from Path Act to Your tax return is being processed to We have received your tax rreturn and it is being processed! Im happy for every who got DDS!

                                                                                      • #4274925

                                                                                          I am also 20190705, the 05 is the weekly indicator, 07 is the 7th week. so 20190701 are daily 7th week.

                                                                                          Anyway, no update here, but I notice a pattern here. We all filed early. I was accepted filing through freetaxusa as usual on 1/29, filed 1/26. Had a TT152 one bar for two weeks before yesterday’s update.

                                                                                          I am seeing people who filed in Feb getting DDD’s and it makes me mad. I didn’t learn from last couple years, but this time I will remember: DON’T FILE EARLY OR YOU END UP AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL, RANDALL! :P :*(

                                                                                        • #4274924

                                                                                            Hopefully we wake up to something

                                                                                          • #4274922

                                                                                              No update. Im beyond livid. What are they drawing from hats this year? Im sick of this cycle code stuff.

                                                                                            • #4274921
                                                                                              Nicole Taylor

                                                                                                Accepted 1/28. No update here either. Mine still says processing. Super frustrated.

                                                                                              • #4274920

                                                                                                  Jessica413, did your WMR update with a DDD?

                                                                                                • #4274918

                                                                                                    Same here… wtf? Filed 1/28 accepted 1/28

                                                                                                  • #4274917

                                                                                                      My cycle code is 20190702

                                                                                                    • #4274915

                                                                                                        I’m thinking we are not updating because of our cycle codes. I’m a 20190705 cycle code we update weekly but apparently the 07 is the week from what I have read which means we wouldn’t update until next week. I hope and pray I am wrong though

                                                                                                      • #4274909

                                                                                                          Same!!! Super stressed…

                                                                                                        • #4274908

                                                                                                            I’m in the same boat. I filed with Turbo Tax 1/17, accepted 1/22 (yet the TurboTax site shows it now as 1/28). The last 2 years I got my refund around 2/21-2/22. I hope that this is the case this year. I REALLY need my money. Hubby just did go back to work after having a major heart attack the day before Thanksgiving. Need to get caught up on bills.

                                                                                                          • #4274906
                                                                                                            Sad boy

                                                                                                              I am sobbing right now in complete horror that I didn’t get a DDD. I am a mess.

                                                                                                            • #4274900

                                                                                                                I’m a bit irritated so I’m going to bed. Will check back in the morning

                                                                                                              • #4274884

                                                                                                                  Accepted 1/30
                                                                                                                  Still processing :( switched there yesterday after one bar
                                                                                                                  No update :(

                                                                                                                • #4274876

                                                                                                                    Accepted 1/24 and can’t access transcripts. I updated last night to processing but no WMR update with a DDD. I’m hoping by Friday to see a DD. Sinnce I started dealing with PATH I have always had a dd on the 23 (2017) and 22 (2018). Ugh. Hopefully we’ll see something by midnight if not tomorrow. WMR updated daily and this is just the first big batch.

                                                                                                                  • #4274866

                                                                                                                      Same here accepted on the 22nd and still saying received and being processed.

                                                                                                                    • #4274859

                                                                                                                        Accepted on 1/29. No updates. Still processing. I literally want to cry I’m so stressed out,

                                                                                                                      • #4274858

                                                                                                                          Me neither! I was accepted since 1/28, and my 21 days will be up on the 18th.

                                                                                                                        • #4274854

                                                                                                                            Accepted 1/25 and no update and I’m locked out!

                                                                                                                          • #4274843

                                                                                                                              No update for me either. 😑

                                                                                                                            • #4274842

                                                                                                                                Accepted 1/25 I didn’t get a ddd yet either

                                                                                                                              • #4274841

                                                                                                                                  2/2 file/accept. Count me as not updated too. Still no movement on transcripts either

                                                                                                                                • #4274840
                                                                                                                                  Jessica Murray

                                                                                                                                    Don’t lose hope! Your refunds are coming soon! Good luck to all of you.

                                                                                                                                  • #4274839

                                                                                                                                      Mine didn’t either

                                                                                                                                    • #4274837

                                                                                                                                        I didn’t update either. Is there still any hope for us to update tonight?

                                                                                                                                      • #4274836

                                                                                                                                          Not alone, I didn’t either

                                                                                                                                        • #4274834

                                                                                                                                            If it makes you feel just a tiny bit better, I’ve not updated yet either. Don’t worry, it’ll come soon. It has to.

                                                                                                                                          • #4274830

                                                                                                                                              You are not alone. Accepted 1/15. No update.

                                                                                                                                            • #4274831

                                                                                                                                                Mine didn’t update either. Filed 1/31 Path disappeared last night. But still have the generic message. This stinks.

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