Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season EMERALD CARD DEPOSITS

  • This topic has 23 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Chris.
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  • #4536907 Reply

      The title says it all! Update if you are in the same boat and got a deposit to your emerald card!

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      • #4537729 Reply

          Deposit just hit!
          Another year we’ll done!

        • #4537709 Reply

            See everyone next year mine hit at around 8:15pm

          • #4537702 Reply

              Mine arrived also, I couldn’t log in but called in, I guess everyone is trying to check lol

            • #4537692 Reply

                Mine hit its 6pm pst

              • #4537680 Reply

                  My deposit just hit my emerald card guys!! Check your accounts because I never got the text saying the money was loaded. My husband just checked it and it was there! Good luck everyone!!

                • #4537490 Reply

                    Nothing yet. Last time I’ll be using h&r block. And best believe I’ll be bugging emerald card staff all day.

                  • #4537357 Reply

                      @author yup pretty frustrating. I have probably called them like 7 times.

                    • #4537350 Reply
                      Pissed of h and r block

                        I am so pissed called hr block holiness and they have had my money since the 16th of febuary with all fees paid out and the refund was supposedly recieved on febuary 16ylth so why in the holy hell do I have to wait for my return if they already have my fucking money so pissed gonna obtain an attorney and sue these cocksuckers

                      • #4537328 Reply

                          I will update once I receive a deposit. Everyone else do the same 🤙

                        • #4537229 Reply

                            Now they say they received the funds today and that it takes a few days to process and take fees from the deposit. And I explained to this supervisor the fees were already taken out and sent to them and now they are just holding. They just keep saying the system shows it will automatically be released the 22nd and there’s no way for them to release the funds early. Guess now I’ll just speak to H&R block for my filing fees to get refunded.

                          • #4537213 Reply

                              Wow the supervisor gave me a # to IRS lol even though I asked him if it’s another emerald card number. I say we just keep blowing these people up until they finally decide to release our $

                            • #4537212 Reply

                                1800) 829. 1954

                              • #4537210 Reply

                                  After getting the run around from the agent for 20 mins. I finally got the supervisor on the phone. He tried to give me the runaround as well. I explained to him that I already know they have my funds and they are just holding them until the 22nd. He explained that there has been a delay for h&r block customers and that it shows in their system the funds will be added to accounts the morning of 22nd. I asked for another # for emerald card. He gave me this which I’m about to try.

                                • #4537063 Reply

                                    I just got off the phone with them and was told the money is there but is being hed until the 22nd . Good news at least we are one step closer bad news we wait a couple more days!

                                  • #4537023 Reply

                                      There has been users on Reddit that say they have gotten theirs 2-3 days early in years past. If you call this number 800-472-5625 it says it was sent to our card on 16th. So like I have already mentioned they are just going out funds until the DDD. Guess I’ll just keep bugging them and maybe they will release early 🤷

                                    • #4537044 Reply

                                        Called emerald card support again and they are useless.. they just say contact the IRS after I already explained to them that the IRS already sent the money and that the fees have already been deducted so why are they holding our refunds? All they say is it will be released on the 22nd. Useless

                                      • #4536996 Reply

                                          I went back and checked my transcripts and emerald card transactions mine comes the day before every year of the DDD and I get fees taken out my refund. I have not come across any other emerald card users who has gotten theirs early

                                        • #4536971 Reply

                                            @mark that’s what mine said. Then it magically changed until the 22nd which is my DDD

                                          • #4536956 Reply

                                              I’ve used hr block for over 10 years and emerald card. I’ve never gotten my deposit until midnight on my ddd if that helps.

                                            • #4536955 Reply

                                                The phone message says it’s loaded to my card but it is not there yet

                                              • #4536945 Reply

                                                  I don’t think I will use h and r block again

                                                • #4536944 Reply
                                                  Regina Roy


                                                  • #4536934 Reply

                                                      I usually get mine the day before.

                                                    • #4536908 Reply

                                                        Doubt we will get deposits until our DDD maybe the day before. Someone on here @momz had me excited when she said she got hers Friday. But she was lying I’m sure. Not holding my breath

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