Does anyone have a DDD for Indiana state?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Does anyone have a DDD for Indiana state?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Bella.
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  • #4097522

      I checked my Indiana status and still processing… Anyone else?

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      • #4099468

          This morning, my status updated to: Our records show the following 1 refund(s) for the 2014 tax year: $449 will be deposited on 02/05/2015.

        • #4098935

            My aunt got hers 1/31 and her federal 1/30. But mine says refund processed but not sent, please give 10-14 days. She and i were both acceped in early batch for federal on 12 but state was just accepted last week. So yes they are ridiculously slow this year. I get my federal 2/4.

          • #4098664

              I have the same :( Says processing and its usually refunded within 2 weeks…I have had that since 1/24.

            • #4098658

                My message changed as well to has been received and is still being processed
                Indiana is slow this year

              • #4098385

                  Mine changed and said the same thing… Has been received but has not completed processing.

                • #4098095

                    Nope, mine switched to ‘Your return has been received but has not completed processing. Your 2014 tax year refund has not yet been issued.’ today though. Removed the ‘within 2 weeks if efiled’ line.

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