Did you get your IDV letter?

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Did you get your IDV letter?

  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Kaitlyn Martin.
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  • #4537139 Reply

      For those that have already gotten their IDV letter, what day did you respond to the verification and have you gotten a DDD yet? Or a WMR status change?
      Curious how long it’s taking to get refunds after verifying. It’s been years since my hubby has had to do one, normally his refund would come 5 days after responding. USPS shows mine is coming today. 🤞

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      • #4537252 Reply
        Kaitlyn Martin

          I called and they let me verify my identity over the phone with a bunch of questions. Now it’s waiting time! Anyone know how long it’ll actually take to get the refund?

        • #4537204 Reply

            Yes I have always been a weekly. Just confused because they ask all this info and still don’t help. Praying it’s an error and I update Friday morning. Or if not maybe she put it through and didn’t tell me she did so 😂 because she has to mark that I verified all that stuff!!

          • #4537202 Reply

              Katie you must be weekly. Yep, IRS systems are old AF and they either update daily or weekly for some. If it’s weekly then yeah makes sense your letter would come during a week that update is few days away.

            • #4537157 Reply

                That sucks! I don’t get why it doesn’t count when we give them all that information, just to “look up your account”. Asking for agi, parents name, mom’s maiden name, amount in box 2 of my w2, etc. 🙄 hopefully you get yours tomorrow, if not today (sometimes my informed delivery email is wrong).

              • #4537155 Reply

                  I have something coming from the IRS today. I was shocked that I was receiving a letter from them because nothing is showing on my Transcripts. I will need to wait until this afternoon once the mail comes.

                • #4537148 Reply

                    I spoke with someone finally and she said my letter should be here today. I told her it’s not showing on my informed delivery. She made me do ALL the verification that they ask for except the code. It made no sense. Why put me through that just to see if the letter was sent?! I’m beyond frustrated! Said if it don’t come today to call back tomorrow. But I already know it’s not coming and told her that. Just think she was trying to get me off the phone 😩

                  • #4537146 Reply

                      Katie, I don’t have access to my transcripts (never went through the ID me crap). I called and spoke with someone at the IRS last week and she said it showed I was getting a letter.

                    • #4537141 Reply

                        Do you have anything on your transcripts? I made a post yesterday about these letters. Unfortunately our transcripts are blank but if you have a code 150 the 14 digit identity code is under the 150 code. You would use it without the dashes online to verify id. We never received our letter and never had this happen before. We are now waiting on the phone right now to see what they say.

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