Did my newborn cause 570

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season Did my newborn cause 570

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Justgowithit.
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  • #4518138

      Since I added my newborn who I had in October is that the reason I have a 570 code because I have never received it before and I know for a fact all my information was put in correct

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      • #4518216

          Technically yes because we never received the child tax credit payment for our new baby nor did we receive the stimulus check for them. So that adjustment needed to be made. This is what the IRS told me Friday. I also had a baby in 2021.

        • #4518182

            Yes. They are going to do a social security number verification. Why? Because that’s a new baby and ur baby is not in their system and plus the baby is a dependent. That’s why they started the (PATH) do to other people carrying other people children without them knowing.

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