Did anyone else file PA state through TT? Mine was accepted this morning

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Did anyone else file PA state through TT? Mine was accepted this morning

  • This topic has 52 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4093191

      I filed last night through TT and mine was accepted this morning. Now this is the first time I have ever filed and not went to a company to do it. When I did state last night TT told me that I would have to fill out a paper and send it in, but now they are not saying anything about it and say they don’t track the PA refund. So how do I know what paper I’m supposed to get and when I should send it in?

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      • #4111612

          I filed my Pa taxes on 1/20/2015. I have been getting the message. That they got it on 1/20/2015 and its under a routine review. Can anyone tell me if they had this message also and if so when did they file and when did they receive their refund? Please this is nuts! I call and they tell me every thing looks fine it’s just there is a back log.

        • #4111539

            I did not file my PA refund through TurboTax (I had a CPA do mine through E-file) I was in a different tax situation for 2014, as my husband died in late 2013 and I received his benefits in early 2014, and I reported his life insurance benefits to both the state (PA) and Federal. I do not get a federal refund, but my CPA submitted my state return through e-file on March 10. The state asked for additional information which my CPA submitted, and when I checked the PA website it was received on March 18. It is now April 24, 2015, and between then and now, it said “we received correspondence regarding your return. Our review is not yet complete”. This morning (on April 24, 2015) I checked the PA website for my return status and now it says “Your return is awaiting a routine review. Our review is not yet complete”. So now we are in the 5th week since the state received the additional information requested, and they are still processing it. It was done through e-file by my CPA and I have direct deposit. Is this because of my different tax situation, why it is taking so long? I never had a history of reporting “windfalls” to the state or federal.

          • #4110420

              Still got a message saying it’s under review and that it was accepted on 1/20/2015. It’s now March 18th…over 8 weeks later when their website everywhere says 4 to 6 weeks. Why is Pa so slow? This is the first year I’ve had to send proof my kids were my dependents and we’ve been claiming them for years. But they received that information and posted to the account on February 2, 2015.

            • #4109370

                Filed 17th of jan got my federal back on jan 29th state was accepted the Han 29th and still no state refund

              • #4107995

                  @heather; Im still waiting for mine they said it was processed on 2/6/15. It never took me this long to get my state. But one thing i do know is that they are doing it different this year. It would show up when your deposit or check will be mailed, but it seems their not doing that this year. My sister filed on 1/26/15 and got hers last Monday and I filed mines and my others sisters and brother on the same date and nothing but saying its processed and allow 4 to 6 weeks for a check to be mailed

                • #4107869

                    Your tax return was received on 1/26/2015 and is currently awaiting a routine review. Our examination has not yet been completed. i have had this message since the 26th anyone else still waiting we already got our federal.

                  • #4105281

                      Ok, here is an update. I filed my sister’s PA state return on 1/26/15 and she got her DD yesterday afternoon via netspend card. Now i have did my other sisters on the same day and nothing yet. Oh and i went to check my sisters status this morning. Its still saying the same thing to allow 4 to 6 weeks for your refund

                    • #4104593

                        We also STILL have that same message of it was processed but not yet mailed. :-/ Very disappointing.

                      • #4104572

                          My status has been the same since the 28th of Jan. Its says that $*.*** has been process please allow 4 to 6 weeks to received your refund. Has anyone gotten their DD yet from PA

                        • #4102103

                            Filed 1/20, accepted 1/21 both state and federal. PA refund is pending in my account. I’ve never gotten PA before Federal or even this fast in general. Pennsylvania is on the ball- too bad the IRS can’t get their act together.

                          • #4102087

                              Since 1/24/15…..”Your refund in the amount of $***.** was processed but not yet mailed. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for your refund to be received.” Any update from anyone……

                            • #4100620

                                Filed 1/20 with TT, fed and state accepted 1/20, No bars on fed, topic 152, no trans, state is pending 2/05 in my account right now. So I get state before federal this year, what a shame.

                              • #4100557

                                  @Gail, it could be because I don’t file using the 1040EZ. I work from home some days and travel to client’s sites sometimes so I claim home office and travel expenses. TT charges me for Federal returns so I’m assuming this is why they charge me for state as well.

                                • #4100555

                                    And no money yet

                                  • #4100554

                                      Ive had the payment processed not mailed message since jan. 25

                                    • #4100531

                                        @Parker I filed through TT this year and both my federal and state were free.

                                      • #4100530

                                          I’m in PA, but I only file my Federal through TT. TT always charges me for PA state returns which doesn’t make sense because I can file them for free on PA’s revenue website and track it better.

                                        • #4100313

                                            No honestly I never get my PA refund before my federal so I didn’t check the first time until the 25th and it said my return was processed and they would mail a check or something similar which I thought was weird because I requested direct deposit. Then it was just in my acct the 27th. I checked the refund status after the money was in my acct and still had the same message so obviously there system is a little behind.

                                          • #4100054

                                              @Becky, were you checking the PA site every day to see when your refund was processed? If so what day was it processed if you remember?

                                            • #4099664

                                                I filed thru TT on the 8th both federal and PA. Received my PA refund on the 27th still waiting on federal tho.

                                              • #4099587

                                                  Anyone get paid from pa yet?

                                                • #4099158
                                                  Confused in NY

                                                    Has anyone updated since they received the Your tax return was received on blah blah date and is currently awaiting a routine review. Our examination has not yet been completed? I did call their refund hotline it says that they update weekly so I would assume if we received a message like this we would have another update in about a week? Gosh I hope.

                                                  • #4097164

                                                      Your tax return was received on 1/26/2015 and is currently awaiting a routine review. Our examination has not yet been completed. This is my message for 3 days now.

                                                    • #4096658
                                                      Confused in NY

                                                        @rich… oh thank goodness that scared the poop out of me.. thank you so much

                                                      • #4096581

                                                          @ confused in Ny, The message your getting is normal, you will see that for a day or two, and then it will switch to your refund in the amount of was process but has not been mailed. Why does it say that idk, I have direct deposit an had that message since last thursday

                                                        • #4096565
                                                          Confused in NY

                                                            This is our second year filing with PA. We live in NY but my husband works in PA. We had had mileage to claim and employee expenses. Last year we receive nothing from PA because he just started there and had no expense. This year though we actually had the expenses and we actually get a return from them. I filed on 1/27, yesterday there was no record of our return. This morning though when I checked it says “our tax return was received on 1/27/2015 and is currently awaiting a routine review. Our examination has not yet been completed.” When I was filing Turbo Tax said to print and sign PA FORM 8453 and keep it for my records. I did not have to send anything. Im scared to death why in the world would it say it is under a routine review. I see alot of others that says theirs did also. How long does it continue to say this until it changes. I knew I shouldnt even bother with the employee expenses and just left it alone. Any insight would be great. Thanks

                                                          • #4096152

                                                              I to have the same thing as wendy that Your tax return was received on 1/26/2015 and is currently awaiting a routine review. Our examination has not yet been completed. Has anyone eles’s state return said the same thing and then it updated with the amount of your refund and that it was processed. Thanks

                                                            • #4095800

                                                                Ive had the message, pa refund processed but not yet mailed, ive had this since last Thursday and still nothing. Idk why it would say mailed considering ive opted for direct deposit, has anyone else got there pa refund

                                                              • #4095304

                                                                  I have been sitting here since Sunday with my PA states taxes, “Your refund in the amount of $***.** was processed but not yet mailed. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for your refund to be received.” @Pattycakess & @Wendy2629 Have you received your state yet?

                                                                • #4094043

                                                                    @Rizza4235, No I haven’t yet received it yet…hoping for a deposit tomorrow…for reference I’m referring to my PA State refund

                                                                  • #4093989

                                                                      Nope nothing yet and no pending deposits either, I’ll post soon as something changes

                                                                    • #4093957

                                                                        @Pattycakess & @Wendy2629 Have you received your state yet?

                                                                      • #4093731

                                                                          I checked the pa where’s my refund this morning and mine also says that it was processed allow 4-6 weeks to be mailed

                                                                        • #4093724

                                                                            I woke up this morning to a new update on my PA state return:

                                                                            I just checked now and rcvd the following message:
                                                                            Your refund in the amount of $***.** was processed but not yet mailed. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for your refund to be received.

                                                                          • #4093713

                                                                              I’m with you..no movement on Fed return, this is my first time ever getting anything back on state so its definitely a bonus for me..praying for ddds and quick updates for all of us ;)

                                                                            • #4093701

                                                                                Wow your all lucky . I am in PA and I get 0 dollars for state ! But I filed on the 9th accepted for FED on the 12th just like you all. And I have 1 bar it hasn’t changed and I use NETSPEND. I HOPE WE all get our FED refund . I’m getting mad now that there’s nothing on the bars that they haven’t changed

                                                                              • #4093689

                                                                                  Wow that was really quick for PA Nic!

                                                                                • #4093647

                                                                                    @Gail, They accepted it 1/13 but the system had no record of it until 1/20 when Federal returns started processing, yesterday the status changed to processed and boom!! today the money came! I wasn’t expecting that.. so at the most 10 days to process but really I don’t think they started doing anything till Tuesday so that was a 3 day turnaround!

                                                                                  • #4093640

                                                                                      Nic~ that’s awesome! When was your PA accepted? This is what it says now on my PA.

                                                                                      Your return was received and information is currently being updated to your account. Please allow 8 to 10 weeks from today to receive your refund. If you need additional information, please call 717-787-8201 and a representative will help you.

                                                                                      I’ve never gotten PA before Fed but maybe PA is going quicker this year! Please let me know Nic :)

                                                                                    • #4093616

                                                                                        I just got my PA refund direct deposit!!!…I use netspend so they dont hold anything. That was a fast turnaround…Thanks PA!! hahaha….now only pending FED like everyone else

                                                                                      • #4093361

                                                                                          @Nic, wow that’s great news!!! That then gives me an idea when I will get mine.

                                                                                        • #4093360

                                                                                            Ok, Update on PA- I filed TT 1/12, accepted 1/13 – Federal first and then State later in the afternoon. Up until Monday ( 1/19) they had no record/info on the PA site and since it stated processing would start on 1/26, I stopped checking.

                                                                                            I just checked now and rcvd the following message:
                                                                                            Your refund in the amount of $***.** was processed but not yet mailed. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for your refund to be received.

                                                                                            This is good news:-)..Hope it helps

                                                                                          • #4093356

                                                                                              ok, thank you

                                                                                            • #4093354

                                                                                                @Wendy, yes mine says the same and I’m pretty sure that’s the same thing it said last year.

                                                                                              • #4093353

                                                                                                  Has anyone gotten this message when you check your PA return… Your tax return was received on 1/16/2015 and is currently awaiting a routine review. Our examination has not yet been completed.

                                                                                                • #4093352

                                                                                                    I was accepted yesterday..I filed with Tax Act on 1/16 and woke up to a text message. So Pa is accepting them

                                                                                                  • #4093350

                                                                                                      Well I just checked the PA website and it does indeed say they received my return on 1/21/2015, so they did start accepting them before 1/26.


                                                                                                    • #4093266

                                                                                                        @Gail, no it didnt require or ask me to send anything

                                                                                                      • #4093265

                                                                                                          I filed thru taxact on 1/16, my PA return was accepted this morning.

                                                                                                        • #4093263

                                                                                                            Nic- when you filed with TT did it say anything about having to send something in?

                                                                                                          • #4093258

                                                                                                              I filed TT and let them submit my state since it was free. I got the accepted as well…which is odd since like Dan said, they dont start accepting until 1/26..I dont expect to see anything from PA for a while

                                                                                                            • #4093210

                                                                                                                PA will not start accepting tax returns until 1/26. Not sure how/why TT is showing accepted but the easiest way to handle PA state tax returns is through their own free website.


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