Deposit times from SBBT & RB

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Deposit times from SBBT & RB

  • This topic has 26 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anne.
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  • #4096684

      Making this thread for people to assist in updating when they receive or received deposit to their banks. For last year or this year, for example I got a text at 8:05 from Republic Bank saying it was sent to my account. I checked now at 10:14 and still nothing. Could someone tell me about what time they got the refund in their account last year? Was it the same day the bank released it?

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      • #4097339

          The trace number is usually under the ‘view details’ on SBBT. Sorry it took so long to reply. Also, if you have a green dot card, check your funds! It should be there!! My funds arrived 20 min ago.

        • #4097159

            Where can you find your trace number?

          • #4097157

              @Anne where do you find the trace number on SBBT if you have one?

            • #4097144

                After reading a million posts I had an AH HA moment…. I too have a DDD 1/30 and have been checking SBBT and my Walmart Money Card with absolutely ZERO transactions. I also called both establishments and spoke to real life humans. This is the lightbulb moment I had….. Since I filed with TT and I opted for the Amazon Card; it occurred to me that perhaps this has slowed down the movement of my DD. I know they say it doesn’t but perhaps it slightly injured my DD and slowed it down by a few hours…… Maybe. Perhaps. Meh.

              • #4097143

                  Until we see a trace number on SBBT, I am not gonna hold my breath on them releasing my funds. In the past I have already had my money by now. Last year it was around 3-4pm pst and the year at 10 am pst. I use a greendot card. So far nothing, but sbbt is showing my funds without a trace number.

                • #4097137

                    I have a DDD of 01/30/2015 however SBBT has already received and released my refund. I use Rushcard and it still has NOT posted. Anybody else use Rushcard and has your refund posted yet?

                  • #4097127

                      I am using walmart money card as well and I haven’t received mine either :( .. I should be more patient but I would love to be able to have it tonight!

                    • #4097125

                        Nothing new for me.

                      • #4097037

                          I have a Walmart Money Card. My refund was released this morning from SBBT and Im still waiting… they deposit early so I guess I should just be more patient!!

                        • #4097036
                          Leslie M

                            I just got my refund via Netspend! :) IGMR has been the only thing keeping me sane!

                          • #4097024

                              For those of you receiving your refunds, please let us know the following: The type of card and or bank used. Thanks.

                            • #4097023

                                @mistrust What bank did you have it deposited to and did you use turbotax?

                              • #4097022

                                  what type of account do you have? Card or bank?

                                • #4097021

                                    I got it… Whoop whoop!!!

                                  • #4097005

                                      My refund hit my Netspwnd account at 4:17 PM. You can pull the entire amount off at a PNC Bank if you take your card and ID. Thats what i do to avoid hefty fees. It costed me 2.50 to pull it all of just now. Good luck all :)

                                    • #4096970

                                        Oh man, I swear I’ve been checking my card every hour. I’m just so excited. I honestly want to buy myself some well deserved stuff! And of course pay ahead on some bills.

                                      • #4096918

                                          Your very welcome Amber! That sounds like a blast! Ya, I’m not a single mother, but I am a 26 y/o single father and it really upsets me seeing people on here telling us all to this or that and manage your finances better. I have my finances in order, I work 40 hours a week at a freight brokerage, but I still depend on this money every year for things. Yes, some of it is for fun and to “blow” but most of it I use to set myself up to “Stay Ahead” all year or to save.. With a 4 year old boy you never know when you’re going to need extra money randomly. Lol.

                                        • #4096914


                                            That’s great news, thanks for calling them!! I guess we will just have to keep checking throughout the evening. Or take some Tylenol PM and try to sleep til morning!! Hahaha just kidding !! Hope you take ur son to do something fun. I’m a single mother too I have one son. I promised him we would get a hotel room and go swimming either this weekend or next weekend! Can’t wait!

                                          • #4096910

                                              @Lindsay what bank and how do you know?

                                            • #4096901

                                                SBBT has transferred my DD to by bank “ACADEMY BANK” as of 830 a.m pacific. nothing showing in my bank yet though, pending or otherwise

                                              • #4096898

                                                  Mine is pending for deposit in my account now! My bank deposits at 330! SO YAY!

                                                • #4096892

                                                    So, I just called my Walmart Money Card (Greendot) customer service and asked if they had any pending transactions for my account. The guy (who barely spoke English) said that they cannot see pending transactions, however, my refund wont ever be a “Pending” transaction technically because money DD’d and from banks, etc. is posted immediately, as soon as they receive it. He said if they released it already that it could post to my account any minute and that normally it takes only about 15 mins from the time they receive it, to the time I can see it in my account. So, I am hoping for today, but my refund has never been late, so tomorrow morning at the latest. I am just so anxious to get this money. Lol. All my bills are paid but I want to take my son out to do something FUN! ASAP. Plus I promised him I’d get him a video game for our PS4, and maybe I want one for myself. Lol.

                                                  • #4096778

                                                      @hungry when did u see receive it

                                                    • #4096777

                                                        I am waiting on mine from republic. I have a credit union account. They say they post immediately.

                                                      • #4096776

                                                          Last year SBBT deposited my funds sometime around 3 pm PST. The year before that I had my funds at 10 am PST. It is 10:27 am PST an still no funds on my green dot card. I will update the moment I see anything change. I am confident though that everyone will start posting they received their funds between now and 4 pm PST!

                                                        • #4096774

                                                            Money just went into my nespend account at 1:17 eastern time from sbbt. yayy

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