DDD3/1 SBTG to Chime Cashapp etc

Home Forums General Discussion 2023 Tax Season DDD3/1 SBTG to Chime Cashapp etc

  • This topic has 16 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Rose.
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  • #4532171

      For those of us waiting on our DD for 3/1 and have chime or cashapp etc. but are waiting on SBTG give your updates here for those of us hoping for early deposits! Tell us when SBTG updated for you etc.

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      • #4532380

          Finally chimed at 6:24pm

        • #4532336

            Ddd 3/1. Funded as of 8 p.m. last night. Last year it hit my chime 2 hours after funded and my sister’s also hit right after funded as well. So hopefully soon. Come on chime!!

          • #4532322

              Mine says funded too! Woohoo just waiting on chime!!

            • #4532316

                Great news ! I also had a ddd 3/1 sbtpg chime- SBTPG finally says funded ! Alright Chime it’s time to do your thing!

              • #4532313

                  Sorry let me clarify ddd 3/1 sbtpg chime- SBTPG finally says funded now just waiting on Chime!!!!!

                • #4532312


                  • #4532286

                      Nothing yet smh still unfunded

                    • #4532243

                        Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, be blessed! https://gofund.me/3ff6175d

                      • #4532242

                          Filed and accepted 2/16 with TT, fee through refund. (HOH, no CTC this year, but yes to 1 dep w College credit)
                          No movement on WMR through 2/23 (and transcripts showed NA)
                          2/23 transcript updated with 846 code and 3/1 DDD
                          2/25 WMR updated to second bar (refund approved).

                          Just waiting for SBTG (TT’s processor) to update and then deposit to Chime.

                          Will post when SBTG updates>>>>

                          Good luck everyone!

                        • #4532223

                            @rose YW!
                            WMR updated today with the second bar and DDD approved for 3/1.

                          • #4532218

                              Also have DDD of 3/1, I filed 2/9 so right at 21 days which I’m a little sad about but I’m just relieved to finally have my date. I got the CK advance this year and last year, I think I got it middle of the night on the deposit date last year so I’m not expecting any earlier.

                            • #4532213

                                WMR finally updated to refund approved with ddd of 3/1 this morning. Still no update on SBTG

                              • #4532208

                                  Same ddd 03 .1 will post when sb updates

                                • #4532195

                                    @Cs82 and @Jmelissa thank you both for your updates!

                                  • #4532189

                                      -Filed 2/16 with TT as HOH, no CTC, but yes to 1 dependent in college with the college tax credit.
                                      -Transcript updated 2/23 with 846 3/1 DDD (Chime).
                                      *That was FAST (last year was a PATHER with CTC, been a PATHER for years, but not this year, so I guess that is why all was processed more quickly).
                                      -SBTG is showing the amount to be received, but received of course still shows 0.00).
                                      -I’ll update you when the deposit goes into the Chime account.
                                      Good luck everyone!

                                    • #4532182

                                        Have the same deposit date of 3/1. We got the loan hoping SBTG doesn’t take forever. Will keep you updated .

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