ddd return has to mail out paper check

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season ddd return has to mail out paper check

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  • #4102151
    pat m

      does anyone know how long it will take for me to get my paper check my bank rejected 1/30 sent back to hr block. they our no help

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      • #4103259

          Yes everyone gets soo worked up over the “21” day speech… but it’s just protocol….. Thanks for the prayers much needed!!!! I will be praying for you too!!!

        • #4103171

            Sounds about right. I think legally they have to give you the most amount of time, just to cover their butts… anyways thanks for your insight. Praying you get your check soon!

          • #4103166

              soo they will probably mail out today… so look for it next week sometime.. most likely. BUT I still haven’t received my check and it’s been 4 days they mailed it Monday… so I can’t really say when you will get it.. but I wouldn’t think no more than 1-2 weeks… not 10…

            • #4103141

                Bank of America confirmed it was rejected on the 5th.

              • #4103138

                  hr block told me they mailed my out 2/2 still waiting. I am with you I hope it comes in the mail today. let me know if you receive yours

                • #4103134

                    when I talked to the irs they said if no fees our taken out it would go back to them and it would be 8 to 10 weeks. call your bank they can tell you if they sent it back to the irs

                  • #4103113

                      I used the TT free edition, no fees. Really hoping it doesn’t take 10 weeks. That’s crazy..

                    • #4103103

                        Depending on who did your taxes, and if you paid your tax fees up front. If you filed free and it’s the IRS who will send your money and it doesn’t have to go to another bank to take out your fees. Than it could take up to 10 weeks, I can’t imagine it being that long at all though. IF you had fees taken out then that company will mail your check.
                        I used Turbo Tax had my fees taken out, I filed 1/20 at 5 pm. and got my DDD on 1/27 and DD 1/29 as you did, I didn’t double check my account number and fudged it up the last four digits. So when they sent it 1/29 the bank rejected it (THANK GOD) and SBBT got my money back and issued me a check on Monday 2/2. So I am looking to get it today… So I would say maybe 1-2 weeks for your check to get to your mailbox. Only problem is when they send the check, it’s then in the mail’s hand, and who knows how long it could take.

                      • #4103085

                          Guys I am kicking myself right now. I had a DDD of the 4th, but I left the LAST number off my account number so my bank so they will automatically reject it. Irs says it can take up to 10 weeks?

                        • #4102626

                            I finally went to hr block they gave me a number to call I was on hold for 45min and the guy told me they had mailed it out on the 2nd. I am hoping I get mine tomorrow. will keep you updated

                          • #4102582

                              I pray I get my check tomorrow. I didn’t get nothing in the mail today. UGGHH very very upset! PLEASE UPDATE IF YOU GET YOURS!!

                            • #4102549

                                This happened to me, too. It looks like most of it is an irs glitch. My prepare had 2 others and myself to have this issue. Her system is showing my account info correctly but irs claimed the account info is blank on their end. Wmr doesn’t say when it attempted DDD or rejected by my bank, just that a check will be mailed by 2/11. A friend of mine who also prepares taxes said she was having the same issue with some of her clients and I should get a check within 4 days from today.

                              • #4102531

                                  My was mailed out yesterday, I still don’t know why the bank rejected mine. Is this a problem alot of people are having?

                                • #4102527

                                    hr block keeps telling me a different story.

                                  • #4102229

                                      Yes they mailed it out Monday. SOO fingers crossed it will be here today!

                                    • #4102184

                                        please let me know if you receive. I have talked to so many people at hr block and they all have a different story

                                      • #4102163

                                          Have they sent out your check yet?

                                        • #4102162

                                            I am in the same boat. I am sooo glad you started this thread. I was going to but was afraid Id get my head chewed off since I do every time I speak. My bank rejected mine, by my own stupidity. SBBT is mailing my check, and mailed it out Monday.. I am expecting it today, no later than tomorrow!

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