DDD for 1/26 filers??

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season DDD for 1/26 filers??

  • This topic has 33 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by SNM.
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  • #4202140

      I filed 1/26 and still only at “received” on WMR. Anyone file on the 26th or later get at least approved on WMR or possibly a DDD??

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      • #4205830

          Still no update for me :(

        • #4204598

            Glad to see some DDD updates! I woke up to my 02.05. DD already in the bank, so going out for breakfast later? Don’t mind if I do!

            Stay up folks! That resequence is a mindf**k (went through it before), but that money is coming to you.

          • #4204581

              filed 1/26 accepted 1/29 woke up this morning for a DDD of 2/7/18 thank god
              Goodluck @Everyone !!!

            • #4204576

                @Joshua Becker
                Awesome!! Just checked WMR and no update for me.

              • #4204574

                  Woke up to a 2nd bar and a DDD of 2/7!!

                • #4203762

                    No progress on WMR, still at 1 bar. Tried to access my transcripts and a new one was available… “account transcripts” there wasn’t a cycle date and it says “no return filed” ???? But WMR and TT says my return was received/accepted.

                  • #4203631

                      @joshua becker, that could be it. In my experience on this site, weeklies update only on Friday to Saturday. How or why there is this designation, I don’t know as it doesn’t seem to make sense years after they went from the old processing system.

                      I’m crossing my fingers for updates. I know how nerve wracking it is and how just a 2nd bar and an ESD will let you sleep a little easier.

                    • #4203508

                        @cinnamonx72 still only 1bar and accepted no update. Maybe im a weekly and just dont realize?

                      • #4203492

                          1/26 accepted. Still 1 bar

                        • #4203479

                            Checking in to see if any more of my 01.26.er’s got a DDD. If not today, the Saturday morning update should give you guys some answers!

                          • #4203166

                              @jbecker “Yea the waiting game sucks. I cant seem to get the website to accept my CC for the identiry part so I cant view my scripts.”

                              Joshua, I’m in the same situation. I only have 3 credit cards and it didn’t like any of them so I got locked out…supposed to be for 24 hours but it’s been a week now and still can’t log in.

                            • #4203111

                                @Vito TurboTax says my estimated DDD is 2/16. Still at one bar on WMR without a DDD. No EITC or ACTC.

                              • #4203100

                                  Track my refund
                                  Your expected refund delivery is between January 30 and February 19. Does anyone else that filed 1/19 get that when they track there refund on turbo tax?I still have one bar on wmr.

                                • #4203096

                                    Filed 1.25, accepted 1.26. 1 bar no path message… need ddd date!! Eitc and actc

                                  • #4202822

                                      Still 1 bar for me as well

                                    • #4202800


                                        I still can’t view my return transcript :(


                                        The suspense is killing me due to the acct issue with my bank

                                      • #4202711

                                          I have CTC, which doesn’t fall under the PATH delay like EITC & ACTC. If’n you have questions on your transcript codes, I can try to help. After the 2012 filing fiasco, fears of delay turned me into an IRS supersnoop. Just understand I’m working and may take a minute to respond.

                                        • #4202698


                                            Congrats!! Did you have any credits such as EIC or CTC?

                                          • #4202695


                                              No update for me either : (

                                            • #4202659

                                                Yea the waiting game sucks. I cant seem to get the website to accept my CC for the identiry part so I cant view my scripts.

                                              • #4202657

                                                  Something positive. If you can see the codes, dates, etc on your account transcript, i would put more faith in that than good ole WMR. This site has hella info on how to read the codes and dates and then again, there’s Google. Put IRS in the search and you could land on an official IRS.gov page.

                                                • #4202655

                                                    2017, being in the test batch got me resequenced a week. I was a little ____ others accepted after me got a DDD, but realized I took my chances.
                                                    2018, test batch again & there was still a glitch with WMR not showing the info I saw on my ‘scripts, but I hoped to not be resequenced.

                                                    This refund game is ridiculous. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s hard being patient, but I have no other option, y’know?

                                                  • #4202643

                                                      Still nothing for me juat the 1 bar. Accepted 26th

                                                    • #4202639

                                                        @beewee12 meant to tag you woops

                                                      • #4202635



                                                          Still no update for me :(

                                                        • #4202633

                                                            Also received my DDD of 2/5/18 on WMR!

                                                          • #4202621

                                                              2 bars & a DDD of 02.05.18. as of WMR this morning. 🎉

                                                            • #4202436



                                                                Thank you for updating! Still at one bar, no DDD, and can only access the transcript detailing wages and income.

                                                              • #4202388

                                                                  Present! Filed & accepted on the 26th and was able to confirm an 846 refund due on my acct transcript this morning, but still holding with one bar on WMR. Transcript says I should receive it on the 5th, but who knows? Just glad to be done and waiting (no ACTC, nor EIC).

                                                                • #4202306

                                                                    I was accepted on the 26th. I was able to order both transcripts by mail. I only have one bar on WMR but I don’t have EITC/ACTC so I’m just waiting.

                                                                  • #4202225

                                                                      I filed 1/26 and was accepted the 26th as well. I have a bar on WMR and the tax topic 152 message. I do have EIC and CTC. I was hoping to see another update/bar this morning, since Tuesday night is on of the big update days, but it s still at 1 bar. I keep checking every morning and hoping is changes soon!

                                                                    • #4202205

                                                                        Thank you for the update! Last year I don’t think I moved to “approved” until the day my deposit was pending. Last year, WMR even gave me a DDD but I received my funds before that date. However I need my refund to be rerouted this year by my bank due to an unforeseen account closure so I need to stay on top of the deposit since I have to the notify my bank at the time of deposit. UGHHH.

                                                                      • #4202158

                                                                          We filed on the 26th with TT but we did not get accepted until Monday. No moving since then, we are typically pretty lucky to move fast, fingers crossed we will see some movement by Saturday morning.

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