DDD 1/4/15 filled with Tax Act

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season DDD 1/4/15 filled with Tax Act

  • This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by bubba pa.
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  • #4100177

      Has anyone who has a DDD of 2/4 and filed with tax act received their refunds yet? Or any indication on Republic Bank’s website of when we will see our refund?

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    • Author
      • #4100382
        bubba pa

          I thought they processed immediately and transfer to my bank still holding it

        • #4100363

            Should I be worried that Republic doesn’t have my refund yet?

          • #4100292

              Republic has my refund they just haven’t sent it to my bank yet….

            • #4100281
              bubba pa

                Republic just received my refund

              • #4100234
                bubba pa

                  When do they updated I ch site and still nothing.

                • #4100233
                  hopeful in Atlanta

                    I have been using taxact for 4 yrs. Usually the money comes on the day it was suppose to be deposit. So if your ddd is the 4th & you’re having fees taken out, republic bank will get it that morning & get their fees then release it to your bank normally the same day but sometimes the next day it depends on how your bank take in direct deposits. I hope this helps some ppl out

                  • #4100230

                      I can’t log into the site.. my ddd is 2/4 but I have netspend and it Normally comes early when I have No fees.. this year I had fees taken out which has done nothing but stress me out

                    • #4100197

                        Wondering the same thing….I have Regions Bank and not even a pending deposit reflecting.

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