DD 02/04, Walmart Money Card

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season DD 02/04, Walmart Money Card

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by ressa.
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  • #4098659

      Finally got a DD today of 02/04 after being able to view transcripts yesterday around 1pm. I’m wondering if anyone has experience of getting their refund to a Walmart money card faster. I know they advertise that it can speed up direct deposits, so here’s hoping. I’m just glad to finally have my WMR update!

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      • #4105955

          Been waiting on them 2 unlock my refund for a week now and still no where. ..im to upset to even explain it

        • #4105951

            I have been waiting for them to unlock mines for a week now to upset to go in details. ….very upset

          • #4102791

              I am expecting my deposit onto my walmart money card by morning and am scared and worried to death because of all the reviews about “holds” on their refund and I am a new cardholder just recieved it and activated it a few days ago I used to have a card before and used it for a few years and never had a problem before but that was when it was with GE and now it is green dot I need this money badly or I will be out on the streets is anyone else having this problem? my landlord is expecting rent and the past rent I owe him I wish someone will help me shed some light on this because I called them last night and the lady I talked to said she doesnt see any problems and people must be getting held for a reason? I am so stressed its sickening!!! thanks people!

            • #4102129

                Hwre is a link with people reporting this and if you goto igotmyrefunds facebook page it is one of there topics under the 2/4 wmr announcement.

                Thanks everyone for there support this tax season I will be sure to update what happens if possible…

              • #4102105

                  Yeah maybe I am worrying a little bit too much just have my rent and getting a car at stake here, what worries me is im a brand new cardholder of this card and this is the first transaction that will be on this card but used the walmart money card previous years when it used to be with GE money bank and never had a problem and now it is with green dot.. really stressing about this alot at stake here tired of worrying over these taxes this year I am really relying on it I will be on the streets I am so late on this rent and need this money..:(

                • #4102069

                    I used the walmart card the last 2 years, direct deposit both times with no issues at all. It is a headache to pull out over $400 though, you have to go into a bank and have them pull it out of your account through a cash advance and hit you with extra fees.

                  • #4102064

                      The only reason was asking about this is there is a post with some people saying they got there refund and then they held it for ID verification. Drivers Licence has my married name on and my old address on iit where my taxes and card have my maiden name on it my ss card has maiden name on it to. I’m separated from my ex and never changed my ss card and for the last 3 years I have not had a problem with my old bank account.my taxes match my card but myI just moved to where I’m at a month ago and owe the landlord rent got two kids so if they try to pull that crap they will littlery have me held hostage with no where to go. My landlord was over here tonight to have me show him WMR to make sure I was not lying as I owe him. And I need to get a car mine blew up right after I moved its been a bad year and I NEED my money or littlerly be on the streets .

                      I’m going to Walmart to pull most of the money as soon as it hits should of used a credit union but had no way to go an open a account. Maybe I over worried but I have to be when my landlord was here tonight just to see when my taxes were coming in and well of course he wants his money lol.

                      I’m hoping these fourms will relax my stress some as I have been able todo is stress


                    • #4101603

                        I have not received my refund. I called money card support and got a lady who spoke very broken English and was of no help. I really hope it comes today! My ddd is 2/4

                      • #4101556

                          Oh and I am pretty sure we had our refund sent to it the first year we had it and I don’t remember there being any delays.

                        • #4101555

                            I got mine this morning, right on schedule. My husband and I have had this card for either two or three years. They didn’t delay the funds at all. Mine had to go through SBBT because I filed through turbo tax and had my fees deducted from my refund. My refund was at SBBT yesterday and then this morning was on my Walmart money card. Good luck!

                          • #4101523

                              Just eondering if you got your refund, If you were a long time user of the WMMC , If they placed any holds on your account.

                              I have my new personlized one have a 2/6 ddd and need to have access to the funds asap.

                              I used to be a longtime card owner befrore they switched from GE Money bank to Greendot.

                              Alot of speculation going on just wanted to know if you got yours yet and how fast they deposited and if you had any problems.

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