Cycle code 20150405. please help.

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Cycle code 20150405. please help.

  • This topic has 22 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by bridgette.
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  • #4097877

      So I can view my account transcript and it has my wages, and a cycle code of 20150405. I still can’t view my return transcript. Does that matter? Does the code mean anything? If so, what does it mean? Please help

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      • #4104142

          did anybody with the code 20150405 file and are suppose to be recieving a check instead of direct deposit… i am suppose to be getting a check but i still dont have an 846 refund sent code on mine…

        • #4101812

            ?… I filed on 1/20 and still no wmr “approval”… but I can access all my transcripts.  Cycle   20150405 & codes 150, 806, 766.  AS OF TODAY STILL NO DD, whts going on? I do owe $ but not much compared to my expected return.  Any ideas?
            NO 846 CODE

          • #4099837

              I was audited 2014 and I haven’t received my return yet and I have a transaction code 20150405 but I called the 1-800-829-1040 number back in Nov and requested a paper check. I believe this is an interest payment because its for a smaller amount will it be direct deposited .

            • #4098599

                The 4th of February yours will be in bank.

              • #4098589

                  Filed 1/26
                  Accepted 1/26
                  Able to pull 2014 account transcript at around 7pm EST on 1/30. 846 Code Refund issued, cycle date 20150405
                  WMR updated overnight around 3:40am 1/31 with direct dep of 2/4
                  SBBT on their website doesn’t show pending deposit, however going by past years I expect to see some kind of update reflecting the pending deposit by or about Monday.

                • #4098586

                    What if you have all zero’s but personal info is there and a feb 16 date ?

                  • #4098584

                      Shunnie86 you posted 12 days before 16th mine says 16 also. Had did you get that information

                    • #4098581

                        As long as you have “846 Refund issued ” posted under transactions, you have been approved. Cycle code 20150405 is a DDD of Wednesday 2/4.

                      • #4098576

                          Everyone ur refund will be here 12 days Before your refund process date on your account transcripts if u can see them. Ex mine say feb 16 so 12 days before is feb 4 Thas my ddd. Pls pass this on

                        • #4098321

                            I filed the evening of the 27th with Turbo Tax if it matters to anyone. I am in Washington state, I am not sure what time zone these systems are on, if EST it would have been the 28th.

                          • #4098320

                              Me too!!! I swore I wasn’t going to look but broke down and looked. I have had a terrible year, the way it’s gone I expected the worst and was just going to wait for a letter but says “refund issued.”

                            • #4098315

                                The lowdown:
                                In Ohio
                                Filed TaxAct 01/08
                                Accepted 01/13
                                Able to view transcripts 01/30
                                20150405 cycle code
                                (The ENTIRE time all WMR had was a “still processing message”)

                                WMR just updated and I now have refund approved, DDD 02/04

                                Hope this helps! :)

                              • #4098311

                                  Hey guys i got the cycle code 20150405 and the refund code. WMR FINALLY updated with a deposit date for feb 4. Cant lie I was stressed out searching for answers checking everyday. I hope you guys get your money soon!!! Good luck.

                                • #4098094

                                    I have the same cycle date. I filed my taxes using HRB on 1/22 and accepted the same day. I wasn’t able to order transcripts until early this morning…and when logging into my NFCU account to check to see how much money I would have for the weekend, I saw that I had a pending deposit dated for 2/3 (funds available the next day) from the IRS. WMR hasn’t even updated for me….

                                  • #4098093

                                      Also don’t be alarmed if you only have an “account transcript” I checked this morning and that was the only one I was able to pull but I checked back a few moments ago and now have a 2014 “return transcript” as well. I do show an 846 code as well that says “refund issued” Also if any of you are wondering, I filed on 1/24 and was accepted 1/24. Still no updates on WMR but from what I hear as long as I am able to pull my transcripts for 2014 that my refund is on its way any day. I’m hoping this is the case. I have been trying for days to pull the transcript and had nothing until today. Hopefully all of us who are in line waiting, will hear something soon!! Good Luck everyone!!

                                    • #4098087

                                        I also have the 20150405 cycle date code and I am being told that I should have it on the 5th if not before. Hope this is the case. Still sitting at the first bar on wmr. Also the irs app. Checked my bank account, nothing there as well as the sbb nothing there yet as well. From my understanding it will get sent to sbb (santa barbra bank? I believe that’s what its called?) before it gets sent to your bank account. You can check the sbb site as well and it will let you know if they have any information on you. Hope this helps.

                                      • #4097947

                                          with a netspend card i would not at all be surprised if it were deposited monday or tuesday with a cycle date of 04 05

                                        • #4097939

                                            just got the same code yay!!!!!!!

                                          • #4097926

                                              @mary people with a cycle code of 0404 got a ddd of 2/2 or 2/3 so i would still have to say Wednesday or Thursday

                                            • #4097924

                                                Wed next week. Wed is day 5. Im like 99%sure

                                              • #4097918

                                                  Same. Answers anyone? Lol. I got an answer saying thursday or Friday next week… but would also like a second opinion.

                                                • #4097892

                                                    I’m in the same boat!…..

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