Cycle Code 05 Update Here

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  • #4520788
    Kirsty Su

      Every one who is weekly 05 please keep us posted
      I filed 2/05, 570 then 591 code for 3/14
      I recieved my 971 notice on 3/11
      I claim my turn to update tonight 🙌

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      • #4521424

          Filed 3/1. Code 20221105. Finally got confirmation that they were approved, but way less than what my tax pro quoted.

          This is BS. . . I filed 2/1, accepted 2/3, then delay message on Feb 18th. . . . Been delayed ever since. . .. You filed a month after me, and you’ve already got an approval? That’s BS. . . C’MON IRS! And PLUS, I only filed a 1098-T. . Nothing else.

        • #4521404

            Filed 3/1. Code 20221105. Finally got confirmation that they were approved, but way less than what my tax pro quoted.

          • #4521403

              20221105 code. Filed on 3/1. Got delayed. Finally notified yesterday that if was approved, but way less than what our tax pro had.

            • #4521325

                My As of date changed from 03/07 to 03/14 now it has updated to 4/11 this morning I have 570 and 971 codes wtf is going on I filed 01/27

              • #4521321

                  Cycle code 20220805
                  F/A 2/2, got 570 then 971 codes without any adjustments. As of date is still 3/21 but no movement on wmr or transcripts. Tax advocate said just wait the 120 days. Anyone in the same situation and see any movement?

                • #4521303

                    I filed 2/25. As of date is 4/15. Code 20221105. My transcript is like half way filled out with a bunch of 290 codes with 0. Then I have the 766, 768 code with the amount then a 570 code. I called a tax advocate and she said I didn’t need to do anything. Wmr just says it’s delayed. Is anyone else I’m the same boat.

                  • #4521130
                    Her girl hey

                      TPG updated this morning as FUNDED 😁

                    • #4520938
                      Random Dude

                        filed 1/7, accepted 1/18, return processed 3/18 to a 570 code.

                        So, I waited 60 days from acceptance and now probably waiting another 60 to 120?

                      • #4520941

                          I need help please I got my return transcripts with no DD what does this mean?

                        • #4520934

                            20220905 it updated on march 3 and still been waiting the only dates I see are the 3/21 4/15 no idea and codes 570 and 971

                          • #4520923

                              There’s hope everyone…just received confirmation on WMR with a DDD of 3/23/2022. My original file date was 2/4/2022 so it definitely took a while. But the wait is over! Good luck everyone….

                            • #4520903
                              Kirsty Su

                                Filed 2/5 already recieved my notice in mail code 570 then 971
                                Still no update 😕 😞

                              • #4520889

                                  Ughhhhh, no update today. I know they say it’s possible all day, but I’ve only seen an update in the middle of the day once before and that was a Wednesday. Any other time it’s been in the morning on Friday or Saturday.

                                • #4520884

                                    I got my return transcripts today does that mean anything?

                                  • #4520876
                                    I am broke

                                      I have 05 cycle. No update this Friday. Still N/A on transcripts. What the F is going on?

                                    • #4520867
                                      Kirsty Su

                                        Congratulations 🎊 to those with DDD 846 codes oww.

                                      • #4520852

                                          I filed on 2/4 and refund was”delayed” for a month and 1/2 now. Finally received an update on my transcript this morning with the 846 code saying refund issued 3/23/2022. That’s next Wednesday so we’ll see. No update on WMR though😕

                                        • #4520849

                                            Filed and accepted on 02/25. Nothing on transcripts or WMR yet. Was hoping transcripts would update this morning but nothing yet :-(

                                          • #4520848

                                              F/A 2/5
                                              Bars & tax topic gone 2/25
                                              With “your refund is still being processed”
                                              As of date still 12.20.21
                                              No codes on my transcript it only shows my stimulus deposits also no letter from IRS. I called IRS 3/3 they said they don’t see nothing wrong just be patient to allow for it to process. I give up at this point !

                                            • #4520847

                                                I filed on 3/2/22 and was accepted within 20 mins. I didn’t have anything other than an as of date 3/28/22. The refund status showed received /processing. Transcript showed 2021 N/A. I checked my transcript this morning and it has updated!!! I can see my 2021 transcripts and my 2021 Account transcript has – 150 – cycle code shows, 20221105 with a date of 4/4/2022. I also have the 846 with an amount. Does this means this is the date I will get my refund? Thanks

                                              • #4520846

                                                  Filed 2/9, last week had 971 then 570, woke up 571 with 846 3/23!!!! I suggest if you’ve been stuck on 570 more then a week I would call to see what’s the problem

                                                • #4520837
                                                  Kirsty Su

                                                    No update as of yet 😢

                                                  • #4520795

                                                      570 since 2-7 4464c letter 2-15

                                                    • #4520794

                                                        I hope I’m with you. Been sitting on a 570 with no 971 or 571 since mid Feb. Would love to just see something change, even if it’s just the damn as of date.

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