Cycle 21091005 and ddd 3/13 lets keep each other posted!

Home Forums General Discussion 2019 Tax Season Cycle 21091005 and ddd 3/13 lets keep each other posted!

  • This topic has 21 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Marcus210.
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  • #4310895

      So I filed 2/16 accepted 2/22 and my transcript updated this morning to code 846 dd 3/13:) cycle date 20191005. Let’s see if anyone has the same numbers and gets their refund on or before 3/13. Good luck guys!!

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      • #4323160

          I have the same cycle 20191005..
          Filed 1/16
          Id verify 2/15
          4464c letter 03/10
          Got an TA. The problem was return did not match w-2. Off by $500. So TA made me Amend. TA had my Tax prep FAXED amended return to her.

          Stll waiting. TA told me i could recieve my refund by may 21st.

          Smh lets see what happens.

        • #4321761

            Got a cp05 today.

          • #4320354

              @jammie mine is the same as yours. No letters or anything yet. Still just waiting..

            • #4320050

                Same cycle code 20191005

              • #4320036

                  I filed 2/4 it was accepted on 2/6 I just checked and seen a date on my transcripts that say 4/15 but no ddd date showing up yet what does that mean?? I also received a 4464c letter on 3/12 that put a hold on my refund but I was told I didn’t have to do anything just wait for my refund….

                • #4319394

                    Still no refund. Still on 570 with my as of date in 3/25.

                  • #4316719

                      same cycle date no refund filed 1/29/2019.
                      transcript codes

                    • #4316431
                      Sam Chicago

                        Did you get your refund, I also have a cycle date of 20191005

                      • #4312519

                          Got it 3/12 at 4pm AK time.
                          Filed 3/1/2019
                          Approved 3/9/2019
                          Good luck everyone!

                        • #4312461

                            I’ve got my refund going on to my emerald card. Wishful thinking, was it would hit sometime today! The recording when I call my card has finally changed as of this morning. Saying they have received word from the IRS that everything has been processed and accepted. My funds WILL be loaded to my card 3/13/2019, so hopefully that stays true.
                            I’m very happy to see people being paid early!!

                          • #4312279

                              Got my money this morning!

                            • #4312070

                                I called over to the IRS this morning and spoke to a really helpful gentleman. The reason why my Refund is being held as they need to verify my employers reported income and tax withholding for me. Now I know longer work for this in particular law firm so I have to light a fire under them to get this reported. It’s just really frustrating knowing that I’m not the one causing the hold up.

                              • #4311663

                                  Still waiting. I’m thinking it won’t come early…probably 3/13. Still, just happy it’s in the way!

                                • #4311593

                                    Got my DDD for 3/13! Having it deposited into an HRB emerald’ card! And having service fee taken from refund(have heard HRB holds the money after receiving for days, and some say it’s straight fast and forward.) I filed 2/22 and was accepted instantly 2/22. As of 4:17 two status bars filled with the third “refund sent” empty. Thanks please please let me know if anyone of my 3/13ers received the funds so I can start inquiring about mine! Thanks have a great day.

                                  • #4311588

                                      150 Tax return filed 3/25/2019
                                      806 W-2 or 1099 withholding 4/15/2019
                                      766 Credit to your account 4/15/2019
                                      570 Additional account action pending 3/25/2019

                                      Cycle 20191005

                                      That’s what I have

                                    • #4311428

                                        Wmr updated Saturday to approved and the 3/13 date. Hopefully early deposit!!!

                                      • #4311374

                                          I’m the 13th as well. I filed back in January. Hopefully it has an early deposit.

                                        • #4311179

                                            Same vis4vanessa

                                          • #4311171

                                              Seems like it’s all the same for us… hopefully we get an update on war tommorow and a early deposits.

                                            • #4310967

                                                My cycle is 20191005 with a date of 3/25/2019. It also says proceeds date 3/25/2019.

                                              • #4310956

                                                  I was told the 13th too! Wish itd come faster! Lord knows everyone has been waiting extra long this year

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