CP 2000 will I get my refund

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season CP 2000 will I get my refund

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  • #4536863

      I received a CP 2000 last December saying owed about $3000 more for 2022. I filed a dispute in January by certified mail because they are wrong about the amount I owe.

      We filed our taxes on February 10 and last night refund was approved and got a DDD of 2/22.

      Will they hold the refund, or will it be deposited on 2/22?

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      • #4537747

          It showed up in my bank account shortly after midnight on the 21st…which was the 22nd as WMR said…really needed it so very happy it showed up…

        • #4537752

            Showed up on the 22nd WMR still showing Approved not sent but I got it…

          • #4536896

              Great that’s encouraging, my bank won’t deposit it until the 22nd so will keep my fingers crossed until then…

            • #4536869

                My DDD is 2/22
                I received refund bank already
                I too have a CP2000

              • #4536868

                  Same :)

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