Code 846

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  • #4100952

      I’m hoping someone can shed some light. I was accepted on the 1/26 and have been stuck on the “no bar, your being processed” scenario I see others having trouble with. After some research today I downloaded my transcript and there is the code 20150403 (which by some theories, means I should have already gotten my refund…I have not). There is also the 846 code at the bottom with delivery date 2/23. Does the fact that I have the 846 code mean the refund is on the way? I pulled last years transcript and the date said 2/24, but I received it on 2/7.

      (*Note: Was married in 2014 and my husband had a past balance with the IRS, according to my transcript his balance has been deducted and I still have code 846…)

      Just hoping for some insight, like most others we rely on a speedy return :) thanks

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    • Author
      • #4101011

          Good news! Your getting your refund and it will most likely Direct Deposit around the 12th of .Feb.

        • #4101007

            Thanks :) Guess the WMR bars and the 20150403 code have me flustered, wish I knew of an approximate date…suppose only time will tell!

          • #4100955

              Code 846 means your refund has been issued. This year there were some dead cycles in the dates this year so some of them were resquenced the 03 and three others so they put them back in the system to be processed. Next to refund issued you will see a -xxxx.xx so a negative sign next to the number means it’s been applied to your account. The transcript DDD is always a couple weeks away from when you actually get it.. Which is actually much sooner.
              Last year my cycle code ended in an 01 or an 02 and it says sent on 3/15/2014 but I actually got it 2/28.

              Hope this helps

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