checking tpg website say unfunded when call 877 908-7228 says funded feb 2/22

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season checking tpg website say unfunded when call 877 908-7228 says funded feb 2/22

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 months ago by Mariah.
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  • #4537446

      The fees taken out; the website must be behind still showing unfunded for 2/22 update. one step closer but call 877 908-7228 tpg line

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      • #4537516

          I called the number above put my social in and it says they can’t find me. I’m also getting the same message on the website. Is anyone else experiencing this?

        • #4537478

            Same. I’m still waiting on the site to say funded

          • #4537474

              “What you say” tpg website is now showing as funded as the phone line another step closer! Hopefully the next 5 hours it hit acct

            • #4537463

                Thank you for providing. I called also and says funded

              • #4537458
                Bubblegum bubblegum

                  You’re right! Mine still says unfunded on the website but I called the number and it says funded. It has a 22/2 date though. So they may not release it until tomorrow.

                • #4537456

                    You’re right.i just called and my payment was funded

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