Can you see your transcript yet?

Home Forums Archives Weekly Updates Can you see your transcript yet?

  • This topic has 15 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4097111

      Just curious if anyone can see a transcript yet who is weekly.

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      • #4097992

          @ Cindy: It depends on what those transcripts say.

        • #4097983

            Does WMR update tonight at all?

          • #4097973

              If we can see both account and return transcripts we should be in the next batch for refunds, correct? I could not order any of these transcripts on yesterday.

            • #4097971

                Yes, I can order my account transcript by mail and my return transcript a few minutes ago. Yesterday I could not access any of these transcripts.
                I was accepted on January 20.

              • #4097970

                  I can now see all transcripts, now just waiting on the money :)

                • #4097962

                    I can see my Account Transcript now but it’s all 0’s… grrr… I better have a DDD with the next group!!!

                  • #4097959

                      After losing WMR tracker bars, and getting the “your tax return is still being processed – a refund date will be provided when available” message, I finally have transcripts. I have an 846 refund issued code for 2-16. Still don’t understand why bars went missing, but I had a partial health care penalty listed on my transcript as “non-tax debt”. Been an 05 weekly every year for as long as I can remember. Now a short wait for a deposit, I’m sure.

                    • #4097948
                      busymomof4 1980

                        Until yesterday was only able to see Wages and the rest was at N/A. This morning was able to see Account Transcript but the top two boxes are still saying N/A. Waiting for Record of Transcript and Return Transcript :(

                        Filed 1/19. Accepted 1/20 and still on 1st WMR bar. Filed with TaxSlayer.

                      • #4097932

                          I can see my acoount and wage transcript, but so far not my return or record of return transcript… account says 2-16-2015 and there are zeros….

                        • #4097922

                            On Jan 30th…yes! Account updated this morning, Return updated a little while ago. 846, likely DDD will update tomorrow for Wednesday.

                          • #4097921

                              Nope, nothing, was accepted in the early batch on 1/12, sitting at 1 bar, never went missing, filed with FreeTaxUSA…hopefully this weekend, or the next round for the us weeklies

                            • #4097641

                                I can see mine today with code 846! They are processing weeklies!

                              • #4097586

                                  I was just able to pull my account transcript!

                                • #4097186

                                    Not yet. Last year I remember randomly checking for mine one night and then woke up to a DDD the next morning! Sure wish I could see my comments from last years

                                  • #4097160


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