Can SOMEONE ANYONE please help me?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Can SOMEONE ANYONE please help me?

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Tina.
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  • #4098642

      HRB still shows me pending filed 1/28..talked to customer service she said she shows IRS got it but on hold for tax season delay? She didn’t understand.. WTF does this mean..transferred me to the escalation dept. and they are closed..bout to lose my mind! Should I refile somewhere else..please help!?

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      • #4098741

          @Missy Honestly I did the exact same thing with TT. I filed 1/17 and I was still pending 1/20, I refiled with Tax Act on 1/21 and was accepted the same day ! I have a DDD of 2/4

        • #4098735

            @justasking if you changed addresses, yes that means they probably processed it yesterday updated last night now your address is your new one. Transcripts update randomly also but chances are you’ll get your ddd by Monday or Tuesday at the latest I would say if everything was correct and you had no holdups.

          • #4098730

              ok thanks does that mean they are updating me? is that a good thing? or not? worried a single mother of two

            • #4098728

                @Missy I would just wait for hr to open again if you file with another provider both could transmit and you’ll be flagged.

                try using the address you filed with once they process your new return they will update your address locking you out if you try using your old one. 152 is a general topic just keep checking.

              • #4098725

                  Question: I was excepted 1/20 and I have one bar I can order a account trans with old address but this morning I put old address in and got locked out.
                  saying I was locked out because I put the wrong info. I don’t have no return trans. no ddd can someone please tell me what up? and I do have topic 152
                  can someone please help me understand what’s going on?

                • #4098698

                    Nope no information at all..

                  • #4098690

                      @Missy does it show anything on wmr?

                    • #4098676

                        NO it wasn’t accepted or rejected…still shows transmitted Pending with H&R Block

                      • #4098644

                          @Missy: I wouldn’t take the chance of refiling with another company. It could cause more problems that good. Just to clarify, has IRS accepted your tax return from HRB?

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