bars missing RETURN TS AVAIL. 20150504 no DDD

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season bars missing RETURN TS AVAIL. 20150504 no DDD

  • This topic has 14 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by JennAnnon.
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  • #4102072

      Transcripts have updated with cycle code 20140504 but no DDD on WMR. Can anyone tell me which day I can expect my return to be DD?
      Also, on wmr my bars went missing yesterday and still aren’t back, but tonight transcripts updated, only the return is available, the other are N/A and wage is just blank no record.


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      • #4103278

          Update: WMR updated with a message saying I should recieve it by February 14th. Which means what?! I guess it still means Tuesday? Last year got a similar message. So, at least I know it’s will be next week! Finally!


        • #4102955

            I have the same code and checked the wmr this morning, my ddd is 2/10

          • #4102780

              Do not count saturday and sunday. that is how people get 2/10
              if your cycle is 20150504 like mine, you can expect your money on 2/10

              my wmr hasn’t updated yet, still no bars but i have all my transcripts with code 846 and i can tell by the cycle code that i will get paid on 2/10

            • #4102731
              Elizabeth Quirouette

                I checked my wmr on 2/4 and my bars were gone and just says it is still being processed. I check online at my transcripts and there is a cycle code of 20150504 and it says 846 refund and refunded 2/23/2015. This is all new to me so what does it all mean. Also since my bars went away would my transcript be more accurate? What I was reading was that tgethe cycle code is year then how many weeks into the year then day of the week, 01 being friday. If this is all true wouldn’t the cycle code mean a ddd of 2/4/2015? How is everyone coming up with 2/10/2015. Thank you for any insight to this!

              • #4102482

                  I love how everyone rallies together in february LOL.. I have a cycle code of 20150504 as well and it has a 846 code dating 2-23-15, still one bar tho

                • #4102481

                    20150504 that’s my cycle also. Anyone know day they might post to net spend?

                  • #4102464

                      thats my cycle as well, I used amex bluebird so hopefully it comes a day early

                    • #4102455

                        I got the same thing 20150504 with code 846 …DD s/b on Tues 10! Yay!

                      • #4102432

                          Update: I checked WMR site this morning and the bars are gone with just a notice saying you will receive a refund date when processed. So, Yeah are money is getting ready to roll out! I will post as soon as I get any changes!

                          Cycle Posted: 20150504

                        • #4102374

                            My code is 20150504 also ddd the 10th good luck all

                          • #4102106

                              I also have this date!! Fingers crossed it is the 10th!!

                            • #4102098

                                Same here with a 20150504. I do believe this is on next tuesday. My transcripts show a cycle date but WMR has not updated. Still sitting at one bar. I will check tomorrow and post an update. Fingers crossed.

                              • #4102086

                                  I hope so. please let me know when yours updates, I know I only have 1 or 2 more views left until im locked out until tomorrow night

                                • #4102080

                                    Mine is 20150504 also, which is ddd 2/10. Wmf should update over night

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