BANK OF America anyone? DDD 2/4

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season BANK OF America anyone? DDD 2/4

  • This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Eddie.
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  • #4099408

      I have B of A, anyone else have experience with them in relation to if the money ever post sooner or not?

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      • #4101463

          BOA filed with HRB fees taken from return. Deposit posted in account 2/4 (0400-0600) DDD ON wMar was 2/4. Not a problem. Just not early like those crafty netspenders!

        • #4101229

            Refund posted somewhere between 11:40 pm and 11:57 pm. Good luck!

          • #4101107

              I talked to a representative today, she told me nothing was pending as far as deposits go. I asked her how refunds work, she straight up said once they recieve a deposit, it automatically goes into your account. Here is to receiving it in the morning!! I will post once I get an acknowledgement of deposit. I hope everyone posts when they recieve theirs!

            • #4100765

                They say they don’t see it pending either, is that normal too? It’ll just pop up tomorrow morning?

              • #4100099

                  I have BoA and last year it posted at about 3am the morning of my DDD

                • #4100044

                    I have Bank of America now and in my experience with direct deposits, they’re always credited to the account before business day, the day of the deposit. I don’t believe they process deposits after the start of the business day, until the following AM. I may be incorrect, but thats what I’ve experienced.

                  • #4100030

                      I also have BOA and in my experience they’ve always posted day of right around 4:00 am EST.

                    • #4100021

                        I think last year, I got mine’s a day before the DDD. However I can’t verify that.

                      • #4099647

                          BoA will not release until DDD

                        • #4099646

                            They say they do not see anything pending… Even though my DDD IS 2/4. Idk if they are being honest or not.

                          • #4099418

                              I have BOA and they have always deposited on the exact DDD after 3am EST. I don’t have a DDD yet for this year, but if anyone gets it sooner this year, let us know.

                            • #4099411

                                I have Bank Of America as well as 2/4 DDD. I just recently joined BOA, I will post when and what time I recieve mine. I hope others can post their experience with DDD’s and BOA.

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