As of date 2/12

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season As of date 2/12

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  • #4537153 Reply

      Anyone have blank transcripts and still have 2/12 as of date? Mine changed once to 2/26 then back to 2/12 and has not moved. Called today and says I have to verify ID AND return. No letter and wmd has never stated I have to verify anything but online account says I have to verify return.

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      • #4537249 Reply

          That’s the problem. I’m usually a weekly but no cycle code. Field a few days before 1-29 maybe a week before. As of is usually a future date and has not changed.

        • #4537218 Reply

            As of date holds not much value . Means there should be progress by as of, can also change.
            Your cycle and situation well tell mostly when you’ll get s DDD

          • #4537154 Reply


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