As of 3/4 Accepted 2/8

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  • #4536676

      So no movement transcript blank wmr states it is processing! Will there be any movement this week or will this be a waiting week with path lifted? No seq code as of yet!

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      • #4537526

          Accepted filed 2/8 got ddd yesterday for 2/29 TT email tax on the way yesterday as well to CK paid upfront fees deposit just hit account!!!

        • #4537489

            Mine is the same, it’s frustrating. I filed on Jan 31st accepted the same day. My transcript is blank also. What does as of March 4, 2024 mean.

          • #4537405

              No changes for me yet. Has yours been saying “still being processed” on WMR?

              Only acct transcript shows for me, but is blank with no return filed. Looking at past years I’ve always been 03 or 04. As of date is 3/04

            • #4537369

                Thank you @casone I got the same message

              • #4537347

                  2/26 DDD for me filed and accepted 2/8 turbo tax e-mail about refund on the way is correct for those that got it!!! TRANSCRIPT UPDATED CHECK IT!!!!

                • #4537236

                    @casone there should hopefully be two updates this week. tonight and thursday night so either tomorrow or friday you should see some movement

                  • #4537235

                      Yes yes I’ll be packing to move now!!!

                    • #4537228

                        I got the very same email from TT ! Looks like it’s moving along

                      • #4537225

                          So just got updated e-mail from TT stating my refund is on the way not sure if this is a thing they do or if I updated and info hasn’t populated on IRS!!! Filed and accepted 2/8 and no movement since!!!!

                        • #4537188

                            Well hopefully update midnight or Thursday at best!! Just the wait is horrible!!!

                          • #4537178

                              Depending on what areas ….. I’ll be using mine to go be with my son up in cantonNY

                            • #4537177

                                No movement here still no return file no transcript no wmr nothing! Planning a move to TX how is it there? Any recommendations on area?

                              • #4537169

                                  Has anyone seen any movement I was accepted on 2/8 with TT AND bank with chime

                                • #4537033

                                    @justin yes I’m thinking that as well that’s how it was the year before last with all that craziness going on! I file around the same time every year and always between the 22 and 29th(of course on the good year) but updates this week I know it so let’s not worry until we see nothing!!!

                                  • #4537001

                                      **before Friday/Saturday. I’m assuming we will end up with 2/27 or 3/1 DDD’s. I’m hoping we update Tuesday with an earlier date but chances are we will be looking at the 27th at the earliest.

                                    • #4537000

                                        Filed and accepted 2/9 and also have the bottom transcripts show up with a 3/4 as of date but no codes. It looks like we will be on the next wave of deposits. Hopefully we see an update bed

                                      • #4536992

                                          The as of date means nothing to us.

                                        • #4536916

                                            Got an update on Friday with as of 3-4 on account transcript, but no cycle code. When did they stop giving us cycle codes?

                                          • #4536903

                                              I guess we will all be in next batch if we didn’t see update or money will just be in account if nothing is updating. Hoping for both!! Any updates for this filed 2/8 and has as of 3/4 on transcript and everything else blank?

                                            • #4536748

                                                @full72 I believe it would show on the person who actually filed the taxes even with it being joint. Could have changed just from what I know from a previous year.

                                              • #4536684

                                                  I filed and was accepted 2/10. I have as of 3/4 as well. I normally have an early march as of date each year and get DD with the first round after path lifts. This I’m not sure what’s happening. “Still processing” on WMR – TT 152, only acct transcript shows 2023, but shows no return filed. Not notices or anything showing I need to verify. I do file joint, if my wife needed to do something would it show on both of our IRS accounts? Her WMR is the same as mine.

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