Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season APPROVED?! / POST FOR PEOPLE APPROVED WITH DDD.

  • This topic has 73 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Tee.
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  • #4093081

      I was a part of the test batch with TT DELUXE and filed 1/9, was accepted 1/12, and even talked to TT SUPPORT last night and was told that “Your return was accepted across the board. The only thing left is for the IRS to issue a DDD, which will happen within the next 24-72 hours.”
      However I have seen MULTIPLE people on TT FORUMS AND OTHER FORUMS claiming they we’re either, accepted early as part of the test batch and approved today, or filed, we’re accepted and approved today, and have a DDD OF 1/28?! I have not received a DDD as far as I know.
      Has anybody on here got a DDD? If so, what is it? Also, if you get a DDD please post here when you were accepted, approved and when your DDD is..


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      • #4112353

          Mailed my refund, return accepted May 29th and i revieved my refund the same day i was approved June 5th. Refund staus still does not say sent. Happy Camper

        • #4102887

            I filed on 1/26/15 got approved on 2/6/15 ddd is 2/10/15 but my question is has anyone gotten their refund before their ddd??!! My is going to my bank so just curious!!!

          • #4102885

              Filed on 1/26/15 and waited for 10 days for it to be approved and on 2/6/15 got a ddd for 2/10/15 but my question is has anyone gotten their taxes before the ddd??

            • #4102697

                My refund was sent 2/4/2015.
                When will it be credited n to my account?

              • #4101396

                  Sent my refund 1/30, accepted same day, and got approved today 2/4. With the money already in my account since last night 2/3, best experience receiving refund to date, now just wait for my prepaid card to arrive and happy spending!!

                • #4101183

                    WMR has been delayed in my experience. I recieved an email alerting me my return was accepted yet it could not be found on WMR for 2 days. My transcripts also updated before WMR. I also received my DD at midnight , yet WMR is still sitting at approved.

                    Also many netspend users have been receiving their DD earlier than the date IRS stated .

                    Hope this helps !

                  • #4101178

                      I sent my taxes out on 1/30, accepted same day, got a net spend alert that the money was deposited and shows available but irs still says out is processing return any insight on this?(have not received card yet though)

                    • #4101169


                        Yes , as of midnight

                      • #4101149

                          Has anyone got there deposit tonite for the 4th

                        • #4099949

                            @lil bit

                            I think i know you where you from

                          • #4099943
                            Lil bit

                              Have anybody been accepted on the 30th of January got a date yet

                            • #4098293

                                Filed with TT & filed on 1/20, status shows received as of 1/30. No approval, no DDD as of yet. Gett’n worried…was part of a delay last year until Late February…

                              • #4097215

                                  I filed on 1/23/15 with TT > Accepted by IRSat midnight that same day. Received Approval on 1/28/2015 with DDD of 1/30/15. WMR Bar still only shows approved but SBBT has receive the funds and have sent deposit to my bank as of today 1/29/2015. Hope this help I was cycle 20150402. Happy Tax Day tomorrow!$$$$

                                • #4097187

                                    Crystal, The IRS wage portion of your transcript will not usually be available until July. Usually when the state and your previous employers send in any w2s and any 1099g, that is why sometimes if you get a bill later in the year when they actually have a hard copy of your earnings.

                                  • #4097180

                                      Did mind 01/21 and got approved 01/28 for dd 01/30 with pronto tax service

                                    • #4097178

                                        Accepted 01/21/15 approved 01/28 dd for 01/30/15 with pronto tax service any one els??

                                      • #4096793
                                        • #4096790

                                            filed on 1/23/15. DDD says 1/30/15.

                                          • #4096617

                                              Has anyone received a DD to their bank?

                                            • #4096322

                                                I filed with hr block freefile1/25 and was accepted the same day. This morning I have a DDD of 2/2! Haven’t been able to view or order transcripts.

                                              • #4096309

                                                  Filed with HRB 1/23 approved 1/23. DDD 1/30. My deposit will go into my bank hopefully (fingers crossed) by tomorrow. Has anyone received their DD yet (other than netspend users)?

                                                • #4096300

                                                    The IRS did not officially start until January 20.2015. For all those who think their returns were part of a “test batch” they were not. I filed on Janury 20 was accepted a couple hours later and have a ddd of January 30th. The thing to remember if you did your taxes before January 20th they were not actually being worked on until January 20 which was the first official day of the tax season. Hope this helps!!

                                                  • #4095888

                                                      Filed 1/20, approved 1/21, accepted this morning 1/28 for a 1/30 deposit date!

                                                    • #4095865

                                                        Congratulations to everyone that received their DD! I have a question, when I go to view my transcripts, everything says n/a except for wages and account. When I click on account, it’s blank and says refund not filed. Does anyone know what that means? I’m stressing out super bad about it!

                                                      • #4095714

                                                          APPROVED TWO BARS WITH A DDD OF 1/30!!! ANYONE KNOW WITH US BANK IF IT WILL SHOW ON THE 30TH OR MOST LIKELY SATURDAY OR MONDAY?

                                                        • #4095707

                                                            WMR states my deposit will be by 1/30/15. I anticipate I will have it on the 31st.

                                                          • #4095676

                                                              I juat checked wmr and it has updated. It will be sent Friday

                                                            • #4095664

                                                                Filed Jan 3. Accepted Jan 12. Saw transcript 1/27 (not sure when it actually became available) with 20150402 cycle date, but WMR tracker still had only one bar. Checked this morning when I got to work and have DDD of 1/30. Haven’t gotten my boyfriend to check bank acct yet so not sure if anything has been sent to acct yet (i.e. pending deposit). Nothing new here lol just like everyone else it looks like.

                                                              • #4095635

                                                                  Filed 1/21 accepted 1/22 1 bar then today still 1 bar but tax topic 152 at bottom. N/a 2014 transcripts except wage one…? I’m i close to approval or due date

                                                                • #4095503

                                                                    I’m in Mississippi. I filed on 1/20/15 and was accepted the same day. Had one bar at “return received” on Where’s My Refund since Friday 1/23/15. I was able to order transcripts on Monday 1/26/15. I checked the status this morning, and I’m APPROVED with a DDD of this Friday 1/30/15!!! Hang in there y’all! :)

                                                                  • #4095491

                                                                      Filed with JP on Jan. 21, accepted on jan.22. Approved jan. 28. WRM states DD will be sent on Jan.30. If do not received funds by Feb. 4 call bank institution.

                                                                    • #4095468

                                                                        Just checked this morning, Refund Approved/2nd bar, DDD is Jan. 30th.

                                                                        I filed with Turbo Tax Jan. 21st, federal was accepted within an hour.

                                                                      • #4095464
                                                                        Eva R.

                                                                          I’m in California, filed with TaxAct January 21 and approved a minute later (literally.) Just checked this morning and got 2nd bar with a DDD of January 30, 2015. I’m off to check my WalMart Money Card for any action but if not I can wait a day LOL!!

                                                                        • #4095379

                                                                            Got the second bar on the Where’s My Refund official site. Gave a Direct Deposit Date of February the fourth, but already got deposited this morning. UPDATE YOUR MOSTLY USELESS SYSTEM INTERNAL REVENUE SYSTEM!

                                                                            Good fortunes everyone.

                                                                          • #4095378

                                                                              On WMR: Your tax refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank by January 30, 2015.
                                                                              If your refund is not credited to your account by February 4, 2015, check with your bank to see if it has been received.

                                                                              I used, and have netspend. 20150402 with code 846. Can’t wait.

                                                                            • #4095359

                                                                                VA FEDERAL APPROVED DDD 1/30

                                                                                You requested the direct deposit of your refund into more than one bank account.
                                                                                Your refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank by January 30, 2015 for direct deposit to those accounts. If your deposits are not credited to your accounts by February 4, 2015, check with your bank to find out if they have been received. Please wait until February 4, 2015 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any further action until then.
                                                                                Please Note:
                                                                                For refund information, please continue to check here, or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go. Updates to refund status are made no more than once a day.


                                                                              • #4095334
                                                                                TT filer

                                                                                  Filed through TT on 1/22 accepted same day, WMR shows DDD of 1/30/2015. My transcripts had the same info as the majority of people here with cycle code 20150402 and an 846 with issue date 2/16/2015. My SBBT is not updated to show a pending deposit or anything, but this is my first year filing with TT so I don’t know if SBBT will update until Friday, but I know it is on it’s way. Good luck everyone!

                                                                                • #4095322

                                                                                    Filed and Accepted late night on the 23rd. Had Cycle Date on Transcript of 020150402 as of yesterday morning. And today my WMR says APPROVED with DDD of January 30th!

                                                                                  • #4095316

                                                                                      I filed on 1/21 accepted 1/22 and today got ddd 2/4. I thought ours would take longer because we had to do the long form because of our business but still went just as fast. We also filed our state 1/22 accepted 1/22 and approved 1/26 then got the money today. Good luck everyone

                                                                                    • #4095313

                                                                                        filed 1/16 accepted 1/16 got ddd 1/30 this morning, filed from nyc… no ddd for state yet.

                                                                                      • #4095307

                                                                                          Just got my DDD for Jan. 30th…

                                                                                        • #4095276
                                                                                          Mish mosh

                                                                                            Accepted on 1/22 at 3pm…no 2nd bar and can’t order transcripts yet….. :-(

                                                                                          • #4095271

                                                                                              Accepted 1/20Approved 1/28Ddd 1/30Could view account transcript 1/27 with code 201542

                                                                                            • #4095263

                                                                                                DDD 01/30/2015

                                                                                              • #4095258

                                                                                                  DDD JAN 30!!!!!!

                                                                                                • #4095256

                                                                                                    Filed with TT 1/21 accepted 1/21 able to order transcripts 1/27 and wmr updated today with a DD date of 1/30!!

                                                                                                  • #4095251

                                                                                                      Filed 1/23 with TT
                                                                                                      Accepted 1/23
                                                                                                      Able to order transcript 1/27 w cycle 20150402
                                                                                                      Approved and two bars on WMR 1/28
                                                                                                      DDD of 1/30 as of this morning!!

                                                                                                      Filed from NYC

                                                                                                      Good luck everyone!

                                                                                                    • #4095233
                                                                                                      Buddy suds

                                                                                                        Pizza tracker at two bars. Filed the 23 DDD the 30.

                                                                                                      • #4095230
                                                                                                        Prncs Lea

                                                                                                          Filed 1.23.15
                                                                                                          Accepted 1.23.15
                                                                                                          Able to get transcripts 1.27.15 (cycle 20150402)
                                                                                                          No mwr update until this morning, but my bank already shows pending deposit for tomorrow. 1.29.15

                                                                                                          Yaaaay!!! Good luck ya’ll!

                                                                                                        • #4095229

                                                                                                            Appreoved this morning, two bars, DDD 1/30.

                                                                                                            Yesterday I was able to pull my transcript and had cycle code 20150402

                                                                                                            I hope this makes some of the people who lost bars over the last couple of weeks feel a little better. It still bewilders me why the IRS kept WMR so out of the loop right up until the last minute, I have never seen it not update at all for anybody a full week after opening.

                                                                                                          • #4095224

                                                                                                              My wheres my refund status is on the seconcond bar as approved …direct deposit is 1/30/2015

                                                                                                            • #4095212

                                                                                                                I just checked WMR. I have my 2nd bar (REFUND APPROVED) and a DDD of January 30th. Hope this helps!!

                                                                                                              • #4095186

                                                                                                                  I was one of those people that lost all their bars. Tonight WMR is finally working for me and I have a DDD of January 30!

                                                                                                                  Filed: January 7 (Turbo Tax) (Greendot Card)
                                                                                                                  Accepted: January 12
                                                                                                                  Lost Bars: January 15
                                                                                                                  Transcripts: January 27 (Cycle 20150402)

                                                                                                                  I also live in California (in case anyone wondered)

                                                                                                                • #4095181

                                                                                                                    Got approved and DDD just now. 1/30! Cycle code 20150402

                                                                                                                  • #4094727

                                                                                                                      @ chris direct deposit date.

                                                                                                                    • #4094725

                                                                                                                        What is a DDD?

                                                                                                                      • #4094656

                                                                                                                          Spoke to IRS WOMEN THIS MORNING NOBODYS GETTING ANYTHING TILL FEB1ST JUST HOPE YOU HAVE A FAST STATE

                                                                                                                        • #4094639

                                                                                                                            Wanted to refresh the APPROVED post to the top of the list. For those of us who cannot access transcripts due to having moved around a lot, or being locked out for twenty-four hours from the IRS transcripts request page, to know if someone gets that elusive second bar on the Where’s My Refund site.

                                                                                                                          • #4094557

                                                                                                                              I can only order my account transcripts :( is this a good thing or a bad thing? I see other people being able to see a cycle date and review their. However, since being locked out online( cant remember user id) i can only order account not return…. which is okay because yesterday i could not order either one. but still confused with this years process.

                                                                                                                            • #4094534

                                                                                                                                I’m almost stifled that zero people have been approved yet.

                                                                                                                              • #4094528

                                                                                                                                  I was able to review my transcripts this morning and have a cycle date of 20150402. So, if I remember correct. I believe the cycle dates go as followed, 2015 the year obviously, 04 is the 4th week of the year which in the IRS chart is THIS week the 26th-30th (So we know it will be deposited this week) and the 02 is Friday. SO we should have our money by the end of the week, give or take a couple business days for bank processing if you have fees, depending on your bank, etc. BUT THIS IS GOOD NEWS!! The cycle “Code” goes as follows (YEAR)(WEEK OF YEAR)(DAY OF WEEK) but the day of week is based on the IRS cycle. So we know its being deposited the 4th week of 2015, the IRS cycle week begins on Thurs and ends on Weds, so the cycle date is DAY TWO which if Thursday is 1, then Friday is 2. This is how I know that our money will be transmitted on Friday. HOPE THIS HELPS EVERYBODY WONDERING AND CONGRATS!!

                                                                                                                                  Filed 1/9 with TT, Accepted 1/12

                                                                                                                                • #4094525
                                                                                                                                  thizness man

                                                                                                                                    I think you are all confused. The people posting DDD of 1/28 are not doing it based off of the WMR site that sucks, mine still shows no bars. We are all doing it based on a code within tax transcripts that tells what cycle our tax return is a part of and determines the date of DD. First step login and see if you can even see your transcripts for 2014.

                                                                                                                                  • #4094524


                                                                                                                                      If that’s your mind set why are you even here? I mean it’s only been 7 days. Why are you looking for an update? To me it looks like you’re just looking to fight. Many people are getting a large refund and are anxious to get it. It’s not a matter of “GIVE ME MY MONEY NOW!” it’s more along the lines of “Tell me when I can realistically expect it!”

                                                                                                                                      While some people irresponsibly put themselves in a situation where they financially depend on their refund, many people just want to know when they’re going to get their money. You have to remember that last year many people filed(including myself) and got their direct deposit date a couple days later and received their money a week after being accepted. It’s now been a week and there’s been little to no information other than “9 out of 10 people receive their refunds within 21 days”.

                                                                                                                                      That’s like making a service call with your cable provider and them telling you “We’ll be out sometime between the hours of morning and evening.”

                                                                                                                                      People just like to know what’s going on.

                                                                                                                                    • #4094522

                                                                                                                                        Tim, it doesn’t matter if it’s only been 7 days. Last year they opened up on the 31st and people had DD dates on the SECOND! It DOESN’T MATTER! Stop getting all HIGH AND MIGHTY when you have no freaking idea what you’re talking about, idiot!!

                                                                                                                                      • #4094498

                                                                                                                                          What’s so hard in this forum for people to understand! The IRS tax season started Jan 20! Period! It doesn’t matter if your tax was accepted on December of 2014. It doesn’t matter!! As you read through the forums, post, etc. I see people ordering transcripts, just for the sake of seeing when you will get your taxes. I just don’t get it!!! Their is a system and it works. Set back and wait–Tax season has only been open 7 days!

                                                                                                                                        • #4093153

                                                                                                                                            There is a difference between Accepted and Approved, and it’d be nice is people realized that ;)

                                                                                                                                          • #4093151

                                                                                                                                              Filed jan 6 got approved jan 13 .i never was in a test batch before …I am still waiting on a ddd..

                                                                                                                                            • #4093123

                                                                                                                                                Thank You, Jay. You took the words right out of my mouth!

                                                                                                                                              • #4093121

                                                                                                                                                  Hey Norcal, how does it feel to be wrong? There are test batches every year. Congress is always changing tax laws/updating tax laws/extending credits, which requires reprogramming of IRS computer systems yearly…which in turn requires testing. IRS in turn pulls reviews early every year to make sure everything is running as it should for opening day.


                                                                                                                                                • #4093114

                                                                                                                                                    why are some people so clueless? its same process every year . you submit …it gets accepted/received or rejected. begins processing. gets approved. dd is issued. end of story.

                                                                                                                                                  • #4093113

                                                                                                                                                      listen …… theres no test batch this year., the irs began processing all returns today. i filed 3 hrs ago. 20 minutes later i got email from tt saying my federal was accepted and will begin processing. checked the irs website…. confirmed. that makes you and i at the same point in processing.

                                                                                                                                                      that test batch from two years ago was when they installed a whole new system… it had to be tested then. last year went smoothly, remember?

                                                                                                                                                    • #4093086

                                                                                                                                                        Ti filed w tt on 01/12/15 got accepted 01/13/15 i guess that makes me part of this test batch. i have a couple questions if anyone cud plz answer 4 me. #1 does the 21 days for refund start on the 13th when i was accepted or on the 20th when irs opened & started processing. #2 is why on the tt app does it say expected refund date Feb 20. that is way more than 21 days from the 13th & the 20th also is there any possibillity of dd going out on or b4 jan,30 if some ppl cud answer any or all of these 3 questuons id b very greatful

                                                                                                                                                      • #4093085

                                                                                                                                                          Great post..I’m looking forward to seeing it filled with all of our ddd’s! I filed 1/13 and was accepted 1/13 and used TT just like you..I haven’t heard that rumor yet:)..I didn’t try to be in the test batch either but thats what happend..praying we get that good news in the next 24/72hrs

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