Anyone's transcripts say N/A?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone's transcripts say N/A?

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by melonic.
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  • #4094859

      I was EARLY approved and still no transcript. Ugh.

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      • #4096028

          Filed and accepted on 16th one bar and N/A on transcripts……a little frustrating!!

        • #4096004

            Filed TT 1/22 and accepted less than an hour later. WMR still says processing, and I’m not able to pull any transcripts. All except wage are still showing as N/A. This is driving me crazy!! I’ve never had to wait this long. I wish I knew something

          • #4095801

              I had no 2014 information on Sunday’s transcript. Then Monday am I had N/A. Then on Tuesday, it all changed to include a cycle date and a code of 846. My WMR is currently at x2 bars, scheduled for DDD on Friday.

              Baloney that the transcript does not offer some insight. It was accurate last year, and was again this year.

            • #4095636

                Filed 12th accepted 14th. Transcripts except wages say n/a. Still 1 bar. I am devastated.

              • #4095003

                  just out of curiosity has anyone looked at the Faq on IRS website… I found this at

                  Will ordering a transcript help you determine when you’ll get your refund?
                  No, a tax transcript will not help you determine when you will get your refund. This is among the common myths and misconceptions that are often repeated in social media. The codes listed on tax transcripts do not provide any early insight into when a refund will be issued. The best way to check on your refund is by visiting “Where’s My Refund?” While transcripts include a lot of detailed information regarding actions taken on your account, the codes do not mean the same thing for everyone and they do not necessarily reflect how any of these actions do or do not impact the amount or timing of your refund. IRS transcripts are best and most often used to validate past income and tax filing status for mortgage, student and small business loan applications and to help with tax preparation.

                • #4095000

                    I filed & accepted 1/26 and I’m still n/a for account & return transcripts (I know it’s too soon to expect them yet).
                    Congrats to those who have gotten a DDD or 846 code so far… for those like myself who hasnt, just sit tight and we (should) see one soon as well!

                  • #4094883

                      All if mine are N/A except for wages. I filed on the 23rd and accepted same day.

                    • #4094867

                        I have N/A filed 16th accepted the 20th and still nothing

                      • #4094864

                          Mine did on Sunday. Then yesterday, it appeared. Today, I got the desired 846.

                          I submitted on 01/09, it was accepted on the 13th. WMR still sits at 1 bar. Hope this helps.

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