anyone with a 2/4 ddd get their money yet

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season anyone with a 2/4 ddd get their money yet

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  • #4099538

      anyone that had a DDD of 2/4 get their deposit yet? if so what bank or card

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      • #4100609

          SBBT received my refund and sent it to my bank, i bank with chase and they dont have it pending as of yet from what i have heard it will hit my chase account tomorrow am after midnight.

        • #4100606

            Nope! Used my #amexserve necause they advertised all in my face about how fast you can receive ur refund..smh

          • #4100602

              @Dan – If you see a pending deposit in your Navy Fed account for tomorrow you can call right now and get it released. The only thing they won’t release is military paychecks. If it’s pending it’s available. We did that last year and got it at like 2:00 pm and it wasn’t supposed to be released until the following day.

            • #4100007

                ddd 2/4 and nothing on SBBT or Citizens Bank as of tonight. Hopefully a posting on SBBT tomorrow morning.

              • #4100006

                  Not yet 2/4 on walmart moneycard

                • #4099994

                    @Apex That’s what I have, with my paychecks I get them 3 days early. I am waiting on SBBT but I expect Insight to post the day SBBT transmits

                  • #4099817

                      Has anyone gotten there fees taken out of Republic Bank. I filed through TaxAct, accepted 1/20 and my DDD is 2/4. Anyone knows how long it takes for them to take there filing fees out? I still dont see anything. Hoping atleast a deposit tueday midnight

                    • #4099813

                        anyone bank with BBVA? filed and accepted 1/25 dd 2/4 hoping it gets here earlty

                      • #4099781

                          Have a pending deposit from my bank (Navy Fed) a DDD of 2/4, and confirmation of a posting date for tomorrow though my bank.

                        • #4099777

                            I have the Walmart Money Card. I am the primary, and my husband has a card too. He is the secondary. Tax return is set to be deposited 2/4 He is the only one listed on the tax return. What is going to happen? Will it be fine, since he is on the account?? Or returned since he is not the primary?? I’m so stressed!

                          • #4099774

                              Not pending yet, but I bank with USAA and I have hardly ever seen anything pending. I’ve seen those with NetSpend cards who have already received theirs with a DDD of 2/4.

                            • #4099758

                                Not yet; only 2 days away, but it would be nice to get it sooner :)

                              • #4099757

                                  I haven’t received mine yet and I have a ddd of 2/4/14. I used netspend last year and this year I decided to use Insight (a prepaid card through Republic Bank of Chicago. Anybody ever used that card?

                                • #4099755

                                    DDD of 2/4 paid my fees upfront and as of 10am my federal return is pending with my bank (Meta Bank) and they say it will be available on my global cash card anytime after midnight on 2/4.

                                  • #4099565

                                      No nothing as of yet mine is going through sbbt first though then to chase.

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