anyone remember last year

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season anyone remember last year

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  • #4094238
    Nicholas Erickson

      I cant remember the distance between ddd given and a refund date. Can anyone help?

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      • #4094290

          I got mine on the sixth last year and was accepted early then too on the 25th

        • #4094287

            LAST YEAR the IRS opened for filing on the 31st and by February 2nd, a SUNDAY, tons of people had DDDs. THIS year they opened up on the 20th, and here we are on the 26th and there is nothing.

          • #4094284


              The thing is that nobody knows how accurate the WMR site is this year. Return processing began a week ago tomorrow, but nobody has seen any change on WMR since. Getting Accepted and one bar is happening quickly, but beyond that there hasn’t been a single reliable claim from anybody that they have gotten anything more.

              In the past the WMR site has been somewhat reliable, most people get their refund a the day of, or a day or two earlier than the DDD given on WMR, it isn’t uncommon for the WMR to not show three bars until a couple of days after the refund has been deposited.

            • #4094279

                Last year I filed on 2/2 and got my state and federal on 2/8 I used turbo tax for federal and the MA state site for state. This year I used Turbo tax for both state and federal and I filed on 1/19 accepted 1/20 and been stuck at received/processing ever since. Shoot there hasn’t been ANY activity on my state at all. Does anyone now how accurate the WMR website is?

              • #4094277

                  Last year I filed on the 15th or 17th, IRS didn’t open till the 31st. I thought that I would be in the first round of refunds but I didn’t get my refund till 2/19! So, just because you filed early, doesn’t mean you are getting your refund first. My coworkers filed on 2/1 and they got their money by the 12th of feb! Words can’t express how mad I was!

                • #4094272

                    Well Mr Dan I said slow because last year as I said clearly they started on the 31st and by that monday I had a DDD so therefore in my opinion they are slower this year now u have your opinion and I have mine and we all are concerned because it is our money now thank u and have yourself a great day

                  • #4094270

                      People kill me coming on these forums talking down to other people about wanting their money BUT they are here for a reason also. If you weren’t worried or curious you wouldn’t be here. People can spend their money before they get it if they choose! They don’t need you chastising them like they’re kids!

                    • #4094267

                        Moving slowly? Technically they’re moving faster. You’ve still got 5 days until it’s the 31st and last year they didn’t even start processing until the 31st.

                        Perhaps you shouldn’t be spending money before you have it or making plans financially that depend on when you receive this money.

                      • #4094265

                          Last year IRS started accepting refunds on January 31and that Monda2/3/ I had my DDD for 2/7 so they are moving slower this year because the 31st was a Friday therefore mine was processed within a day

                        • #4094250

                            I filed on 1/25, got my direct deposit on 2/7. I don’t remember filing early last year, but I guess I did. I don’t think they submitted it to the IRS until 1/31.

                          • #4094248

                              Last year I was accepted on 1/31 and had money deposited on 2/8. I was only at 2 bars last year when I saw they had already deposited. It didn’t update for two more days. HRB was just as bad. I figure a 7-10 day turn around on average. I’ll get worried if I don’t see a deposit by the time I had money last year.

                            • #4094245

                                They didn’t start processing refunds until 1/31 last year, lots of us filed earlier than that, I filed on 1/16 and was accepted the same day. I recall getting DDD on 2/1, DDD of 2/7, actually got DD on 2/6.

                                Unfortunately we have no idea what is going on. For all we know we will see a similar schedule this year, and they are not allowing WMR to access the current databases, or it could be that of the millions who have already filed and been accepted not a single one has actually been processed yet, a week after they started processing.

                              • #4094244

                                  I filed on 2/5 last year and received my dd on 2/18 (13 days).

                                • #4094242

                                    Mine was on target when it finally updated. But I checked mine from last year, from the time they accepted me to when I got my refund was one week. I was accepted on 1/20 so I don’t think that is going to happen this year. Would be nice but I am thinking my 2/6 at this rate,

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