Anyone in Arizona hear something from AZ

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone in Arizona hear something from AZ

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by photo.
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  • #4097413

      I just filed on the 28th just wondering?

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      • #4102155

          Still no update on Arizona yet…..anyone heard anything?

        • #4099891

            I filed on the 21st in AZ and was accepted same day. When I use the state refund site, it says it can’t find my information. Couldn’t reach anyone by phone, but the recording suggested I come tot he local office. I’m now reading someone has been told that they didn’t start processing any returns until the end of the month, is that right? So maybe we should all start to see some movement soon?

          • #4099779

              Just called AZ and they said it is going to take 4 to 6 weeks. This is so wrong. The website says 10 to 15 days and now this. :(

            • #4099745

                Has anyone heard any news/updates from Arizona?

              • #4098860

                  Good to know!! I thought they FLATLINED!!

                • #4098848

                    Just found this:

                    The State of Arizona Department of Revenue just confirmed for me: They won’t be processing their state returns until January 31, 2015. So they figure 10-15 days after that is when to expect your refund if you selected direct deposit.

                    To get further clarification you can refer to: toll-free 1-800-352-4090 and follow the prompts: Press 1 for English OR press 2 for Spanish. Then press 0 to speak to the next available agent.

                    Hope this helps you further.

                  • #4097665

                      Same here! I was accepted 1/26/15 and nothing from Arizona yet.
                      My brother was accepted 1/22/15 and nothing!!

                    • #4097659

                        AZ is moving slow my family and in have been accepted since last Friday but no updates at all. They are like turtles with no legs this year!

                      • #4097431

                          Same here…tried to check the state’s refund website, and it says it can’t find my info either…

                        • #4097415

                            Not at all..been accepted for about a week and their systems states xannot find any of my info..a joke, last yr it took a month for my return

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