Anyone get their return earlier than the date given?

Home Forums General Discussion 2013 Tax Season Anyone get their return earlier than the date given?

  • This topic has 10 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #5923

      I have a DDD of 02/12. I was wondering if anyone received their deposit before the date they were given? WMR and 800# never updated for me. I called and talked to a live person and she gave me the date of 02/12

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      • #20639

          I have not, unfortunately I am one of those early filers like I always have been except this year the Government decides to hold out on our money, which is a damn shame because they take our money out before we even get a chance to see it and we have this huge problem now…

        • #20069

            well I got dd… and I got info on 2-10-14 that its suppose to come by 2-12-14…. I was hoping I would get it earlier… cause I’m broke and disgusted… it’s not coming fast enough… but mine might not come before the 12th b/c I owe…. uuggghhh….

          • #18553

              Yes, It is possible . Some times it happens that some can gets their return earlier than the date given.

            • #18193

                Sometimes it may be possible to get the returns earlier then the expected date however it doesn’t happens always. Sometimes it might depends on how fast your bank posts the deposits.

              • #14704


                • #8673

                    So I was hoping I would get mine early as well over this weekend but no luck. Hoping maybe I can get it at least a day early on Tuesday that way I can go shopping. My DDD is Wed 2/20.

                  • #8255

                      I always get it early. This year was no different. 2/15 date and 2/13 DD. Just 2 days.

                    • #8034

                        Both my aunt and cousin where scheduled to receive their refunds on 2/11 and got them on 2/9 instead.

                      • #6136

                          This morning I finally have dd of 2/13 – Suntrust, no fees. From what I’ve read, no one if really getting their funds early, unless maybe dd is a monday, then they get it on Friday. Anyone who doesn’t have a Monday date getting your dd early??

                        • #6130

                            Yes ;) Filed late night 2/1 & accepted same hour, got a DDD on 2/7 for 2/11. Woke up @ 5am (CA time) & my $ is here!

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