Anyone get past the first bar?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Anyone get past the first bar?

  • This topic has 18 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by tiffy.
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  • #4093553

      Was just wondering if anyone is on the second bar yet?

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      • #4093760

          I filed with liberty 01/20/15 it just says return received….and now when I try to check the santa Barbara tax products group to see if money is there it denies access so hopefully I see an upsate on irs to go app tomorrow. ANYONE FILE WITH LIBERTY TAX SERVICE??

        • #4093747
          give me my money
          • #4093744

              I’m totally confused as to when they do updates, seems like random times. I guess will just keep checking around noon everyday.

            • #4093743

                It’s my money and I want it now………lol

              • #4093742

                  Nope still only one bar here.

                • #4093738

                    I’m still on the first bar and I was accepted on the 20th… they do updates on the weekend?

                  • #4093732
                    Bobby Mcinvaille

                      Do you guys actually have a bar? I had the accepted bar before they started accepting but now it has been stuck on “Your return is still being processed” anyone else with this still?

                    • #4093721

                        All this info about refund cycle charts none of them come from the irs anymore they are just charts made up by people I found on that said I may have it next week and one that said payments will star as late as the second week in feb. I’m just anxiously waiting … every year I have gotten it within 10 days of my acceptance. And every year I still lose sleep over it….. can’t wait for a ddd last year I didn’t get my ddd it went straight from pending to sent…. sigh…

                      • #4093715

                          I filed mine w/out my W2’s, 1099s… and all those other forms but was very precise and erred on the safe side not claiming any arbitrary deductions. Well, two days after I sent in my taxes I get a freaking letter from Washington State Unemployment. They sent me a 1099-G for unemployment payed in which I PAYED BACK!!! They decided I wasn’t due unemployment and make me pay them back hundreds of dollars and then call it income? What a freaking SCAM!

                          I hope it doesn’t foul up what I sent them. I’ll so angry if it does.

                          No change for me. First Bar only.

                        • #4093672

                            nope – filed with TT on 1/10 – accepted by IRS 1/12 – and there it sits.

                          • #4093669

                              Being accepted early is just them testing their transmittal system with forms and such changing over .everyone starts being processed starting opening day and this came from an IRS agent

                            • #4093667

                                No. I filed early, and mine was accepted on 1/14. I just checked WMR and I was still at the first stage.

                              • #4093655


                                • #4093584

                                    No change for me…It usually takes me 8-9 days to from send out/acceptance to deposit, but I applied early this year so I was hoping that it would occur earlier. For the past two years i’ve gotten mine around 2/13 and 2/14, so i’m hoping for the 30th or the 8th this year. I think either tomorrow or monday people will start to hear about DDDs. Just my take.

                                  • #4093574

                                      Still the same here. Last year, I recieved my refund on the 12th of February. So hopefully we’ll see our refunds sooner than that!

                                    • #4093569

                                        Nope not yet, and like others I went back and checked my transcripts from prev years and I always get my ddd between 7/14 days of when they open so Im working on relaxing and enjoying the conversations…trying not to freak myself out with all of the info going around

                                      • #4093557

                                          No, still the same but I’m not going to freak out about it because looking at my transcripts from the previous four years it’s at least 7/10 days. I also noticed except for the 1121er’s from last year my refund is usually here around 2/10-2/11 last year 2/21 pervious years no later than 2/11.

                                        • #4093555

                                            I’m thinking it will be Monday before any updates.

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