anyone file jan 21 still no dd

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season anyone file jan 21 still no dd

  • This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Drew.
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  • #4095513

      filled jan 21 irs took it in 5 min later still no dd yet anyone else with the same or got a date yet

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      • #4095739

          I filed 1/21 and was accepted minutes later much like yourself. As of this morning WMR shows 2 bars and provides a direct deposit “by” 1/30 into my bank account. Have you checked your transcripts yet Bryan? :)

        • #4095737

            I filed 1/9 got accepted 1/20 via H&R Block, immediately went to 1 bar with tax topic 152. Still processing, offset still present (even though I only owe 34.00, so weird) and transcripts are N/A. Soooo saaaadddd!

          • #4095730

              I filed with H&R Block and was accepted on 1/21 wmr just changed today to tt 152. I don’t ever remember having to wait this long for a ddd. No transcripts available either.

            • #4095699

                My coworker filed on the 1/26 was accepted 10 minutes later. She is able to view her transcript and has a cycle date of 20150402..I filed on 1/20 and I have nothing smh!!!!!!

              • #4095694

                  Same here I was accepted 1/21 used hrb no ddd yet. I can pull up transcripts but it has no dates cycles or anything. Hopefully something will come soon

                • #4095655

                    I’m in Kentucky filed 1/21 accepted 1/21 state accepted 1/22. On wmr I have 1 bar and I’m processing. Try to order transcripts but it said n/a. I figure it would be next week before I see any changes and hopefully with a ddd. But it’s so depressing seeing ppl that filed and got accepted after me get there refund coming or have ddd.

                  • #4095653

                      I am in the same boat with you all. Filed with TA and accepted 1/21 no DD not able to see transcripts

                    • #4095642

                        We’re in the same boat. Located in Missouri. Our return was accepted by the IRS on 01/21/2015. WMR tool is still showing 1-bar. Cannot see any transcripts either.

                      • #4095634

                          Navy wife.. You should have told her that under the tax payers bill of rights we have the right to be informed! Hanging up is uncalled for and we have every right to call and ask questions.
                          Anyway I filed 1/19 accepted 1/20, I have health insurance and no EIC, live in indiana and I haven’t been able to order my transcript

                        • #4095592

                            Nothing yet

                          • #4095589

                              Yep. Filed and accepted 21 Jan through H&R Block efile. 1 Bar, no transcripts, no deposit

                            • #4095544

                                I called and spoke to someone at tge irs…… A real piece of work that one was…. Anyway she said that there is no way for anyone to get information about their return because they were told not to even look up peoples taxes unless it has been more that 3 weeks since they filed. I said I didn’t even tell her when I filed she said to me she hust figured it hasn’t been 3 weeks because it has only been a week since they have been accepting returns. Then she said I have to disconnect the call and hung up on me. I was not rude so who knows what was wrong with her……….

                              • #4095520

                                  Filed and accepted on 1-21 nothing yet…….

                                • #4095517

                                    I’m right there with ya:0)

                                  • #4095516

                                      Same here. Filed 01/21, Accepted 01//21. No DDD yet either. :(

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